We have all heard of the Freshman 15: as soon as college kids get the freedom to eat what they want, the pounds start adding up as more fast food creeps into their diets. Going into college, you are constantly warned about not letting your new eating habits take over, but what no one talks about are the days where full meals aren’t even on the table. As a college student, I have had plenty of meals that have come straight out of a vending machine or resembled the same meal that a first-grader would eat, but I was curious as to what other college student’s typical meals consisted of. That is when I decided to ask them: “What is the most ‘college’ meal that you have ever had?” After receiving plenty of hilarious answers, I decided to compile them all for you to read! I present to you, the Collegenic Diet:
“Mine is probably just crackers. Literally crackers all day because I didn’t want to leave my dorm.”
“Probably when I had Little Bites for breakfast, chips and cookies for lunch, and then Starbucks for dinner.”
“Red Bull and Airheads bites. That’s all.”
“The most college meal is when I ate Ramen noodles at 6 AM from a used red Solo cup and with a knife.”
“Okay, so you know those Belvita breakfast biscuits? The blueberry ones are my favorite. I have definitely gone days surviving solely off of those.”
“I once baked a LOT of potatoes with beans and meat inside of it and it became my meal for the next week and a half… not my proudest days.”
“When I was studying abroad in London, I was spending all of my money traveling and doing stuff, so I didn’t have money at all for food. My main meal for the full month was just a can of beans and salsa in a bowl. Towards the end, the salsa got too expensive for me, so it just turned into canned beans with a bit of salt and pepper in a bowl.”
“Just straight rice.”
“Well last Saturday I had to wake up early for practice, so I only ate a strawberry Airhead for breakfast. After that, I was in a rush to another game, so I had a bag of Spicy Cheetos for lunch.”
“No Breakfast, two bags of chips for lunch, two bags of chips for dinner.”
“There was one time that I got the chicken flavored Ramen and I got kind of tired of the basic taste, so I added in the sweet and spicy sriracha sauce that I had gotten from Chick-fil-A.”
“Chef Boyardee for lunch, Oreos for dinner!”
“For breakfast, I had a regular hot coffee, for lunch I had a bowl of instant Ramen, and dinner was a quadruple espresso shot with a bag of popcorn.”
“My go-to meal is stovetop Ramen with one egg. I eat it about four times a week.”
“Once I bought a bunch of wings from Publix and cooked them in the dorm kitchen, then took like 25 buffalo packets from the Chick-fil-A on campus and used those. We had a buffalo dorm party.”
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