Grab your favorite drink and get ready to read!
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has taken the internet and our TVs by storm. The show features eight Mormon women in Utah who got their start on the infamous “MomTok,” an online TikTok group that rose to fame by showcasing their unique lifestyles and drama. The show follows a year in their life as they navigate family conflicts, relationship troubles, and chaotic friendships.
While there are plenty of things to be fixated on in the show, whether it be their swinging controversy, plastic surgeries, or girls’ weekends, I was most intrigued by their soda orders. Mormons don’t drink beverages like alcohol or coffee, so the MomTok group starts their day with a 44-ounce soda from a popular Utah-based chain. Here, each woman crafts her own unique soda filled with flavored syrups and creamers. You can tell a lot about a person by their drink order, so here’s which sodas I would pair with each of the Mormon wives.
Taylor Frankie Paul and Ginger Ale:
Taylor is the star of the show and the center of all the drama. Throughout the show, Taylor processes her recent divorce and navigates her life with her boyfriend while pregnant.
I would pair Taylor with ginger ale for this reason. Ginger ale is a common way to soothe discomfort like nausea, and being pregnant, I know Taylor would need it. Ginger ale is also seen as stable and reliable but packs a punch. Taylor is the show’s centerpiece, but there’s a ton of drama when you dig deeper than the surface. She’s always there when things go off the rails, just like a ginger ale in your pantry.
Whitney Leavitt and Diet Pepsi:
Whitney is also a star of the show, but she has to fight her way to stay in the spotlight. She frequently makes fun of other women to puff herself up, brings up uncomfortable subjects, and removes herself from any responsibility or blame. For this reason, many people don’t like her on the show (myself included).
Whitney reminds me of Diet Pepsi. In an era where Diet Coke is seen as the trendiest drink, Diet Pepsi is trying to be what it never can be. Pepsi is the less popular alternative to Coke, and it has a controversial taste. Make it diet, and you really lose a lot of fans.
Layla Taylor and Shirley Temples:
At 23 years old, Layla is the baby of the group. She also acts the most immature, in my opinion. Layla’s divorce party, which she throws for herself, is very theatrical, as it’s funeral-themed.
Shirley Temples remind me of childhood, but they’re also overwhelming for some people. The same goes for Layla. She is dramatic and spontaneous, needing attention and validation from the rest of the group. Shirley Temples fit her perfectly.
Mikayla Matthews and Coke:
Mikayla is my favorite. She is the most stable, unproblematic member of the cast. She’s always there to support her friends and knows when to walk away.
Coke is also one of my favorite sodas. It’s reliable with no surprises. Coke is universally liked, like Mikayla, and is everywhere, even if it’s on the sidelines.
Jessi Ngatikaura and Mountain Dew:
Jessi, the group’s hairdresser and life of the party, is one of the boldest members. She isn’t afraid to tell everyone everything (including information about some select plastic surgery operations) and doesn’t care what people think.
She reminds me of Mountain Dew. With a generous amount of caffeine, it’s bound to energize you and wake you up. Mountain Dew has one of the boldest citrus flavors of all sodas and is bright yellow, bringing chaos to any soda lineup.
Jennifer Affleck and Lemon LaCroix:
I know what you’re thinking. J-Lo is not one of the Mormon wives (though that would make for an even crazier show). Jen slowly loses confidence throughout the show, and many fans are worried about her and her husband’s relationship going into the confirmed season two after the Vegas debacle.
For this reason, I think Jen would fit well with Lemon LaCroix. It seems light and put together, but it has a sharpness around the edges. Like Jen, it struggles to fit in and not fall flat.
Mayci Neeley and Sprite:
Mayci is another side character on the show. She’s part of the group, but not surrounded by drama to the extent that many of the other women are. She’s pretty well-liked by fans and supporters alike.
I would pair Mayci with Sprite. She’s sweet but not too sweet, a balanced addition to the show. Sprite can stand alone or be universally paired with many other drinks, just like Mayci can blend in. Sprite is a popular pick for a favorite, so I can see why Mayci would go well with it.
Demi Engemann and Cherry Coke:
Demi is the emerging it-girl of MomTok. I see her replacing Whitney as the new queen bee, but that comes at a cost. Demi is no stranger to hate or tumult, often instigating fights and spreading rumors about other members.
I would give Demi Cherry Coke. At first, it tastes great but has a bit of an unpleasant aftertaste. Demi’s true character shines through towards the end of the show. She’s a classic addition with a bit of drama and is not always everyone’s favorite.
I hope you like these pairings and think they fit each woman’s unique personality. There’s bound to be a character for everyone and a soda to sip while you watch all of the episodes!
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