The women of Florida State’s very own Delta Zeta are hosting their annual spring philanthropy this weekend and you definitely want to be there! A day filled with friends, food and fun—all for the purpose of giving back to others.
We’ve all seen those videos of little kids hearing their parents’ voices for the first time, right? Well imagine being able to help make that happen for someone! Delta Zeta does just that and in order to do so they put on their annual Clay Classic. Delta Zeta’s Clay Classic is an all day trap-shooting event in order to raise funds for the Starkey Hearing Foundation. All of the proceeds from Clay Classic go to the Starkey Hearing Foundation.
Together, Delta Zeta and the Starkey Hearing Foundation work to help people, of all ages, in underprivileged countries receive and care for hearing aids. With a maintenance cost of $5 to $10 a month, a hearing aid is not an option for many people in these underprivileged countries.
But it doesn’t stop there. An unbelievable amount of time and effort goes into caring for these people. The Starkey Hearing Foundation does something very special. Not only do they hand select their patients, the foundation custom makes their hearing aids for their patients, spends countless hours teaching them how to use it and care for it, but also supplies them with a years worth of batteries. With hearing loss being the number one birth defect in newborns, you can easily see the importance of fundraising for this organization.
The Starkey hearing Foundation has recently launched their “Listen Carefully” campaign to stress the importance of hearing loss here in our own country. One in five teens, in our country alone, suffer from hearing loss and we are lucky enough to have the resources available to have hearing aids. Hearing is truly a gift. It’s what keeps us connected with the world and those around us. I know I couldn’t even imagine living in a world of silence.
Delta Zeta’s Clay Classic will be held at the Coon Bottom Gun Club in Havana next Sunday, February 22nd from 8am to 2pm. All are welcome so don’t be shy! If you’re interested in giving back or even just an excuse to go trap shooting for a day, get a team together and contact Delta Zeta’s philanthropy chair, Sara, by email. From there, she will supply you with all the registration forms and paper work you’ll need! If trap shooting isn’t your thing, don’t worry about it. There will be other backyard style games and raffles to take part in. If you can’t make it to Clay Classic but still want to help the cause, a fundraising site has been set up as well. Donations are being accepted here. Just think about it, even a $5 donation is enough to help someone for a whole month! More information on the Starkey Hearing Foundation and how Delta Zeta has contributed is available on their website.