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Fall in Florida: The Fashion Crisis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Even though it’s mid-October, Halloween right around the corner, and Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching, Florida’s heat is still keeping our summer sandals and shorts around, making this fall season seem more like a summer extension. With the warmth and the seasons clashing, is it too soon to bring out those boots and holiday sweaters? Here are some tips on how to cope.


The jeans, flats, and a cute top look is a classic combo that could probably get you through anything; it’s always good to have on-hand.

It’s a Florida specialty to be able to rock shorts and a sweater. It’s like a cheat to the seasons.

Whether you’re rocking the tank or a loose top, the lightweight scarf is the perfect outfit addition that can help you fulfill your Autumn callings while still allowing you to breathe through the Florida heat.


Overall, make sure that you stay comfortable and stay stylish! 

 Alexandra Lauren is a senior at Florida State, born and raised in Miami, Florida, and has a passion for books, traveling, coffee, and 90’s R&B. 
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."