This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.
As I’m sure you’re all painfully aware, everyone’s favorite week of the semester is within arms’ reach. Students across campuses nationwide are all in it together, but studying for finals doesn’t have to be an insufferable process if you approach it with a good technique. Because I’m a Capricorn, sleep-lover and self-proclaimed workaholic, I’ve perfected a few techniques to ensure a balance in my health and studies. In this article, I’m going to share with you my top four tips on how to survive finals prep—without losing zzz’s.
1. Time Management
This tip is at the top of the list for good reason. If you are unable to consistently manage your time, mentally prepare yourself for those all-night study sessions, and I wish you the best of luck! For the sake of your OWN mental health, please remember there is a better way.
I live and die by my planner every week, but the last three weeks of the semester more than most. In my experience, it is easier to optimize your time when you treat studying like you would a shift at your job or an appointment. Pencil it into your calendar! This could mean anything between blocking off entire days, waking up earlier to study or alternating between a few hours of other responsibilities and a few hours of studying.
Social media is so deeply rooted in most of our lives that many people find disconnecting to be quite difficult, and our busily buzzing cell phones cause us a great distraction from tasks at hand. It can be difficult to not fall victim to something so ingrained in our routine! Turn it off! The best tip I can give you in this category is to delete your social media when you are not using it. Yes, it is a daunting thought. It is also very freeing and can help you resist the temptation of a TikTok binge. I would encourage everyone to do this in their daily lives as well, even after finals conclude! I only download Instagram once or twice a month, and strongly recommend this habit.
“But Emma, how can I sleep when there’s so much to be done?” My answer? Peacefully. I absolutely adore my major, and spending a lot of time studying things I am interested in has been a delight this semester. I love learning but, if you’re so exhausted that you can’t focus or comprehend what you’re studying, are you really learning or are you just wasting time? It is most likely that you’ll find yourself understanding the material with more clarity after a good night’s rest.
4. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.
Finals and final projects often come with an enormous amount of pressure and stress that students tend to drown in. Don’t lose sight of yourself in the tornado of assignments and textbook pages. Make it a priority to take ten minutes to an hour to set aside for yourself each day to refresh (not on social media!). Do a quick workout, indulge your spirit in yoga or release stress and tension with a meditation session. Although you are going to school as an investment in your future, you still have to invest in yourself in the present. Don’t collapse under your own weight.
With that being said, I wish you all the best of luck in your finals prep. You are smart and worthy and absolutely worth it. Study on!
Emma Cryer is a current Florida State University senior majoring in Communications/Media Studies and minors in English and film! In her free time, you can find her in the gym, reading, or laughing with friends.