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These Dessert Recipes Are My Current Fall Fixations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Over the past week, I’ve sensed something changing in the air, figuratively and literally. Entering the month of October, almost everyone knows what to expect. It’s prime football season, the weather has just gotten cooler, and friends are planning their Halloween costumes for Florida State University’s classic “Talloween” bender. All these things slowly add up until we officially enter our fall era. Something about the month of October makes me want to dress warm, turn on a Halloween classic, and appreciate the great vibes that autumn brings. Similarly, I feel like one fall vision board cannot be complete without the task of baking a fall-themed sweet treat.

Ever since I was little, I’ve been obsessed with baking. My dad and I would always be in the kitchen, regardless of the time of day, looking for ways to perfect our homemade recipes. Over the summer, before moving into my apartment at FSU, we created a recipe book of everything we made together growing up, which I use as often as possible. Baking has become a passion of mine because of my family, and I will use any excuse to craft something from scratch.

The vibes need to be right. Fall is the perfect excuse to bake something by myself, with my roommates, or with my friends. Making sweet treats with friends during a girl’s night is definitely my go-to fall bucket list item. Nothing matches the autumnal vibes better than a cinnamon or pumpkin aroma encompassing the room from the oven. Before baking in the evening, I recommend switching on some warm light to match the cozy atmosphere of your home. Regardless of the time of day, turning on a fall classic such as Gilmore Girls or Coraline or picking your favorite fall playlist will add some comforting background noise as you bake. Dressing comfortably in your favorite sweatshirt or loungewear helps relieve stress about what to wear and makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Once everything is set up to your liking, your baking is bound to run smoothly. Below, I have included a few of my favorite recipes I look forward to baking this fall!

Simple Cinnamon Roll Pumpkins

Something that almost everyone loves is cinnamon rolls. They aren’t too much work and always turn out delicious. Tying string around pre-made cinnamon rolls and adding a cinnamon stick to the top makes these tasty treats look like pumpkins. I made these at the beginning of October, and they were the perfect late-night treat to end an overall successful night. You cannot go wrong with this sweet dessert.

Classic Pumpkin Bread

When you think of fall and Halloween, I am sure pumpkins come to mind. So many fall recipes include pumpkin spice flavors, and while it may not be as good to some, I am a fan. Creating homemade Pumpkin Bread is a classic recipe that comes to mind when planning what to bake this season. If pumpkin is less appealing to you than it is for me, you can always consider banana bread or apple cinnamon bread. In my experience, this dish has been an all-around favorite that everyone wants to try.

Coffee Lovers Chai Latte Cupcakes

If you feel more creative and fully want to encompass the fall spirit, consider creating cupcakes with your friends or for an event hosted in the future. These cupcakes are perfect for pumpkin and coffee lovers with a chai spice cake and espresso cream cheese frosting. Also, remember you can constantly adjust recipes to your liking. If you or your friends aren’t coffee lovers, consider creating a more basic vanilla or plain cream cheese frosting. You can easily adjust measurements so the flavors are not as intense. Baking is a hobby up to the bakers’ interpretation, so you shouldn’t feel pressured to stick precisely to the recipes. They’re just guidelines!

Other Ideas You Should Consider

The possibilities for creating savory fall treats are endless. Everyone starts their baking journey somewhere, and you can keep it simple with the Pillsbury Halloween Sugar Cookies — if you can find them in stores. They are sold out almost everywhere! If you aren’t a huge fan of pumpkin flavor, consider finding recipes such as Apple Cinnamon Crumb Muffins to share over brunch with your friends. These muffins are perfect for breakfast or dessert and aren’t as overwhelmingly fall as others. There are so many different kinds of desserts that I would love to try and have seen on Instagram or TikTok, so don’t hesitate to look around for the recipe of your dreams!

Baking is for the soul. Whether you bake something from scratch or simply place some pre-made cookie dough on a pan in the oven, baking, especially during this season, is something I cannot recommend enough. Baking is a memorable bonding experience with your friends, family, or partner. Creating something with the people you love always makes some of the most precious memories. If you are looking for what to do this fall, consider making something you and others can enjoy.

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Hey yall! I am a second-year undergraduate student and member of the Her Campus at Florida State chapter. I am an out-of-state student majoring in environmental science, and have always had a passion for writing. Within HerCampus, I am part of the social media team for Instagram, an academic intern, and staff writer. My work often varies from campus advice and environmental current events to lifestyle articles based around healthy habits and some of my other passions such as thrifting, being outdoors, and attending concerts. Beyond Her Campus, I am involved in my sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, as a Social Media Chair and Line Dance member. I additionally fundraise for Dance Marathon at FSU and am a member of both the Environmental Service Program and Maji Project.