Name: Alyssa Prinzo
Year: Freshman
Major: Exercise Physiology
Age: 19Â
Her Campus (HC): You recently began working for Bang Energy Drinks. Can you tell us about that?
Alyssa Prinzo (AP): I began working for Bang the beginning of this year. I’ve always wanted to get into modeling and I am really into fitness, so supporting their products sounded perfect to me. My experience so far has been amazing! I model for bathing suits and promote Bang products through pictures and demos. I go to different events and work at gyms to promote their products and give out free samples.
HC: Besides Bang, are you working for anyone else? If not, do you plan to do so in the future?
AP:Â No I’m not working for anyone else, although I do model for some friends and companies just for fun. I possibly want to work towards gaining a higher position with Bang Energy and VPX, for their company.
HC: A lot of girls struggle with keeping up with their health especially their freshman year. How do you manage to stay fit in college?
AP: I just make sure to I cook healthy meals and work out every day.
HC: Regardless of how business your schedule may get, you always make sure to incorporate a workout into your day. What are some of your favorite workout routines?
AP: Wow this is a weird question; you have no idea how many different things I do. I like to do bicep curls, squats, and HIIT workouts.
HC: What are some tips you have for others who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
AP: For starters, do not eat processed foods, and stay away from sugar and saturated fats. Also make sure to do at least 30 minutes of cardio each day, along with some strengthening!
HC: What is your major, and why did you choose it?
AP: My major is Exercise Physiology, and I chose it because I want to find a career that has to do with the medical field and/or fitness. I would possibly want to become a Physician’s assistant or go into physical therapy, but we’ll see what happens!Â