October is here and that means we can finally binge on all things pumpkin spice. However, the month of death doesn’t mean all things bad. It allows for a period of regrowth, rich with energy focused on love and relationships.
From October 8th to November 9th, Venus enters perfectionist Virgo, allowing for her to come out and show face after the Venus retrograde that was hovering all summer long. Love and communication will improve greatly once the Mercury f*cking retrograde makes its rounds. BYE FELICIA. With Libra’s new moon in the forefront come October 12th, residing issues die along with the leaves on the trees, making for a colorful change all around (unless you’re from SoFla, sorry). Ending the month with a lusciously earthy full moon in Taurus starting October 27th, you should finally feel grounded and secure. To reap the most benefits of this phase change, try and stay in touch with satisfying all mental, physical and spiritual needs.
Courtesy: PopSugar
Libra: New Month New You
If not everything feels one-hunned just yet at the beginning of this month, get ready for a turnaround- and fast. As the Mercury retrograde concludes on the 9th, any problems with communication will dissipate.
It is of course your birthday month and along with the positivity being radiated, your creativity is blossoming! Libra’s new moon on the 12th and its energy will make it a perfect time for you to spend some time on what you are passionate about.
In the latter half of the month your connection with a special someone may deepen as long as you focus on all things spiritual and emotional. Nothing may feel better than your cozy warm bed, but on the 23rd you should think about inviting over that someone to share that bed and any fantasies you’ve imagined in it.
The Taurus moon at the end of the month will be charitable with money matters on the 27th.
Scorpio: Miss October
This is your time Scorpio. Not only are your social skills flourishing, but your influence is as well. This facey behavior will lead you to nights you will never tell your parents, as well as unfathomable networking opportunities.
DATE! Don’t be so quick to turn down that blind date. Chances are they’ll be helpful in some way or another.
Friendships are running smoothly, so make sure to tune in to that one friend who you share dreams and goals with. Connections people!! You’re not one to ask for help usually, but most things are achieved when they make you uncomfortable.
Anxiety will subside as does Mercury and a significant other –romantic or business– will arise on the 27th. Practice good karma and karma will be good to you.
Sagittarius: Hocus Focus
Worried about the future? This weight will be lifted once Mercury is out of the picture and by the 12th you’ll actually want to go outside again. This year has been difficult career-wise, but after the 8th Venus, ruler of talent and money, rules in your favor. Following that, Mars, ruler of energy and ambitions and Jupiter, ruler of opportunity pair up with Venus sending your career opportunities into over-drive.
Special dates to really focus on: 17th, 23rd, and 25th.
Capricorn: Social Climbing
Your career worries will come to a halt once Mercury has passed through and a change around the office will allow for better flow. Whip out all the tricks on the 12th for your elders, as a new moon is making its way through your career sector.
Your love life is on spiritual fleek this month, especially on the 15th, 17, 23rd, and 25th. Single and unsure about that tinder match? Taurus’ full moon on the 27th will banish any uncertainties as long as you are open and honest about the way you feel.
Aquarius: Third Time’s A Charm?
A heavy head will be alleviated as soon as the retrograde completes. Academics have been unreasonably difficult lately, but you’ll soon see the money and time spent was well worth it. Practice makes perfect!
Ever thought of freelancing or taking up random side jobs? Your pocket will be full if you take full advantage of opportunities between now and November 8th.
Exciting news will heighten emotions on the 27th when Taurus’ full moon moves into your 4th House of Family.
Pisces: Love Potion No. 9
Love is in the air this month Pisces! Get ready for relationships – business or romantic– to be at an all-time high especially on the 11th, 12th and 25th.
The 12th will mark the end of any financial issues that were burdensome. Taking a drive just to feel the air on your face and small luxuries of that sort will do you so right in restoring your energy, especially near the full moon on the 27th. Nature is free therapy, so drink that in any chance you get.
Aries: Twerk It Like Miley
Relationships are not easy. And certain wounds may still feel fresh leaving you vulnerable and uncertain about your future. Patience is a virtue Aries, and all the clarity you need will come on the 12th taking that uncertainty and propelling it into a solid, thrilling romance with bae!
You’re kicking ass at work since you’ve been using it as the prime means of distraction from your rocky love life. After the 12th pay close attention to new partnership opportunities in the business field.
All your hard work will pay off greatly on the 27th with the full moon in your 2nd House of Income.
Taurus: Cherry on Top
Your main focus tends to be working and after the 12th projects will be taking off as planned. Despite some mishaps in communication lingering from the retrograde which ends the 9th, holding your head up high with that integrity of yours is bound to help you come out on top!
Between now and November 8th could be the climax of your entire year as Venus gets cozy with Jupiter and Pluto around the 23rd and 25th allowing for romance to thrive. You will feel fulfilled in every aspect of life especially on the 27th. They say you can’t love someone until you love yourself, so chances are this is the time you’ll meet that certain someone.
Gemini: Toil & Trouble
Any mental and communication blocks occurring will be cleared once the retrograde is over.
Family and money matters may intertwine around the 11th, 15th, and 23rd when news of being written into a will or a chunk of money designated for you is revealed, so keep your phone close!
Single? Get out there after the 12th when your 5th House of Romance gets filled by a new moon. Around the 27th you may feel like being a hermit. By all means do so if that helps you recharge your batteries!
Any hovering deadlines are within end’s reach. Make sure to keep any projects fun since you will be met with great success.
Cancer: Good Moon On The Rise
Family drama will begin to ease especially once the retrograde is over.
A burst of creativity and wanderlust makes for the perfect time to go on a mini-vacation; bring a journal!
Make sure to moderate your ego on the 16th, especially when negotiating. You actually may have the lesser hand.
On the upside, Taurus’ full moon on the 27th brings crazy-good opportunities for your social life.
Leo: You’re Money Baby!
Feeling down? Look at your bank account. Venus and Jupiter, the ruler of money, are all up in your 2nd House of Income between now and November 8th. The influx of chances to maximize your profits is ridiculous, so work hard so you can play harder come winter break.
The 11th, 23rd, and 25th are all dates worth noting for a possible promotion!
Virgo: You’re Beautiful (James Blunt voice)
Egos aside, this year has been far less than forgiving regarding your self-image and the perfectionist is dying inside of you. Once the retrograde is over after the 8th, Venus will enter your sign until November 8th, amplifying the undeniable sex appeal and overall allure that was being held captive over the last few weeks.
Single? Take full advantage of the full moon’s dark magic for attracting potential lovers especially on the 11th, 23rd, an 25th when your flirty powers are in full swing.
But wait…it doesn’t stop there! Your ruling planet Mercury’s direct path on the 9th will bring forth much needed clarity regarding finances.
Mars and Jupiter join forces with sensual Venus for an actual banger in your sign for the better part of the month.
The 15th and 17th will offer nothing but good vibrations to your already-smoldering sex life. This is prime time to get weird with whatever you’ve ever imagined in bed. Playing dress up isn’t just for Halloween.