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How I Deal with Feeling Stuck as a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Feeling stuck is a feeling that many of us aren’t unfamiliar with. Coupled with being a college student, it’s a canon event we all struggle with at some point. 

Starting around this time of year, the days start to blend. With the semester ramping up, it’s easy to feel trapped in your routine. I can always tell when I reach this point in the semester when I find myself wanting to just lay in bed and watch TikTok. I tend to want to do what’s comfortable rather than the things that I need to do. Thankfully, I’ve developed a few tips that help me effectively deal with this feeling.


When I feel stuck in life, I usually realize that there’s something at the root of this problem. Whether it be schoolwork or things in my personal life, there’s usually something causing me to feel frozen. Journaling allows me to write out my emotions and self-reflect on how I’m feeling and, more importantly, why I’m feeling that way. This plays a big role when trying to understand why I started feeling stuck in the first place.

If I can’t think of anything to write, I go to websites such as Pinterest or Instagram to find writing prompts to respond. Overall, journaling allows me to clarify my feelings and figure out what I can do or change to feel better.

Trying Something New

Adding something new to my routine always helps me when I’m feeling stuck. Having something new in my life allows me to break the downward spiral. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic either. Sometimes it can be something as simple as listening to new music or a new podcast. I also like to try new hobbies such as painting, baking, or even joining new clubs! Trying new things expands my perspective, which consequently makes me feel more motivated and passionate.

hanging out with friends or family

Being around friends or family is always beneficial to me whenever I feel stuck in life. Having a support system provides me with emotional support and comfort. It also alleviates any feelings of loneliness I have that usually accompany feeling stuck. 

Going out, or even just talking with my friends or family, boosts my mood and provides me with a sense of belonging. Grounding myself with the people I love is a big stress reducer for me and is one of my favorite ways to escape the feeling of being stuck. 

exploring somewhere new

When I feel myself getting in a rut, I love to explore new places and change my scenery. This includes finding new study spots on campus to do my work, or just going somewhere where I can touch grass… literally. Some of my favorite spots are Miccosukee Greenway, the Psychology Department courtyard, and Black Dog Cafe! Changing my scenery and exploring new places makes me feel refreshed and clears my mind of any fogginess. I always find that I feel more motivated to lock in whenever I have new surroundings. 

being mindful

Overall, just being aware of my feelings and my needs is the most important. Understanding how I feel and how that is affecting my behavior is vital to knowing what to do to treat this. For example, if I’m feeling overwhelmed about schoolwork, understanding why I’m overwhelmed about this and thinking about what I can do to fix this is usually the most helpful for me. This also reduces any negative feelings I have and allows me to be more compassionate for myself.

Feeling stuck is a normal part of life. If you’re feeling similar to how I am, just know that mental health isn’t a linear process. Ironically enough, I even felt somewhat stuck while writing this article. Just know, that with time (and maybe a little journaling), we will get through this!

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Anna Strickland is a Staff Writer for the Her Campus FSU chapter. Beyond Her Campus, she is a senior studying psychology and communications at Florida State University. In her free time, Anna enjoys reading, journaling, going on walks, listening to music/podcasts, driving, and exploring! She is super excited to be a part of Her Campus!