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How to Survive Overeating on Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

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Thanksgiving, also known as the broke college student’s day of grace, is the day where it is nationally known that you can consume as much food as you want without judgment. In a statistic published in the New York Times, it is stated that the average American consumes around 4,500 calories during their Thanksgiving meal, which is over two times the recommended intake for college-age females for the day. If you still want to enjoy your turkey and your mom’s famous pie without needing to unbuckle your pant buttons to fit the extra room, look at these five helpful infographics below to help you eat within your means this Thanksgiving day. 

Courtesy: Business Insider


Courtesy: Shape


Courtesy: Thrive: The Cody Blog


Courtesy: Daily Mail


Courtesy: Shape


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Tara Lawson-Corley is a Florida State University graduate. She majored in Retail Merchandising & Product Development with the goal of someday working for a fitness driven retail company. Hopefully later on she will be able to own her own successful fitness boutique or at least that's the dream. Tara enjoys the occasional Netflix binge, reading numerous fashion magazines, and finding new and exciting ways to workout.
Her Campus at Florida State University.