I have always had a deep love and appreciation for the Harry Potter series. Ever since I can remember, this series has always been a favorite of mine. There really was a certain point in my life where I only talked about Harry Potter. Lucky for me, I was not alone in this fandom. My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed sorting each other into houses, making butterbeer and of course, movie marathons. We would even wave our wands in our backyards envisioning ourselves in The Battle of Hogwarts. Many vacations were spent at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida and I even forced my family to ditch our London itinerary to visit King’s Cross station years ago! Eventually, we got older and grew out of the obsessive Harry Potter craze. Yet, there was always a part of us that never really “got over it.”
About three weeks ago, I was scrolling through TikTok when I came across a video of universities that resemble Hogwarts with the iconic Prologue by John Williams playing in the back and I was simply taken aback. All the memories came flooding back like a sad love song but in the best way possible. I sent it to my sister right away and she wrote back saying, “You have finally made it to Harry Potter TikTok!” Since that day, my whole feed has been anything Harry Potter related. From Draco Malfoy to Cedric Diggory to the Hufflepuff “aesthetic”, you name it. My friends and I have been pulled back into the world of Harry Potter and we have no shame.
I even got a few of my other friends into watching the series for the first time simply because I guessed their Hogwarts house correctly and they were intrigued. Since then, we’ve purchased mystery wands at Walmart (spoiler alert: I got Remus’ wand) and planned a vacation to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in November. Basically, Harry Potter TikTok has not only taken my ability to focus on anything but also my money. You could definitely say my fangirl self is screaming, but let’s be honest, she has been dying to be set free for years.
This side of TikTok has been trending for a while and has gotten very popular. It has even captured the attention of Tom Felton, also known as Draco Malfoy in the series. Felton has mentioned that he has seen Draco Malfoy TikTok and has even posted some videos of him behind the scenes while filming the series. His most recent TikTok is an audio of him saying a few lines from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that his character, Draco, says in the film. This video is one of Felton’s most viewed at around 11 million views. Basically, everyone’s for you page has been blessed. Sorry, I do not make the rules.
Here is hoping Harry Potter TikTok, specifically Draco Malfoy TikTok, stays trending forever because it really has been my daily dose of serotonin this semester.
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