Photo from @seminolemakeouts
We all know them and unfortunately at some time or another have probably been one half of them: the annoying couple. It’s not that they’re madly in love that drives me crazy, I’ve definitely been there, but it’s their need to constantly remind all of their Facebook friends about it. Now, not all couples are annoying and I will openly admit that I have been half of an annoying couple in the past, so I don’t want to come off as if I’ve never done some of these things (honestly, I’ve done almost all of them), but I didn’t realize until I was single how incredibly over the top I had been. It can be difficult to keep perspective while you’re currently in the “world’s greatest relationship.” And sorry ladies, but more often than not, it is the girlfriend portion of this equation that is more guilty than the boyfriend, so let’s cover a few things so that your relationship isn’t all over everybody’s newsfeed:
- Stay away from MCM. Every. Single. Week.
Oh, your boyfriend is your man crush Monday? I never would’ve guessed. And last week, who was your MCM? Your boyfriend? We get it. You’re in love. But all of your followers don’t need to be reminded every single week that you’re together.
- Think Before You Post
I am probably guiltiest of this one. When I was mad at my current boyfriend for blowing off dinner plans or fighting with me over something I was convinced I was right about, I’d casually tweet that I was “so over it,” or something of that melodramatic nature. But before you blast social media with your emotions, close your Twitter, simmer down, and call your best friend to complain. Girlfriends are there to listen and can even give meaningful advice that Facebook cannot. You’ll just embarrass yourself when the next day you post a picture of you two cuddling. Which brings me to my next point.
- Documenting Everything You Do Together
Dinners, movies, parties, etc. do not all need a picture, a status update, or a tweet — especially, intimate things such as cuddling or kissing. Times like these are supposed to be very private, something that only the two of you share. When couples post pictures of the two of them in bed, it’s like the whole world is in bed with them…why would you want the world looking in on that privacy?
- Kissing Pictures
Just no. As mentioned above, kissing is something between the two of you. Keep it that way. It’s uncomfortable enough for everyone around a couple that is making out in public, and even more so when it is posted on a media feed and is unavoidable. Unless they are your engagement or wedding pictures (which are usually adorable), I’m speaking for everyone when I say that we don’t want to see it.
- “Monthiversaries”
This might be my least favorite of all the things annoying couples do. Being a new couple is exciting, so the 3-6-9 month posts will be excused from this critique, but posting about how much you love your boyfriend every single month of your entire relationship is too much, especially after the one-year mark. A post on your yearly anniversaries is totally fine, encouraged even. It is sweet to see couples that love each other and sometimes we all need a reminder that love can exist at this age. If you two want to celebrate every month of your relationship, then that’s your prerogative, but keep it off social media. Think of the obnoxious mom who exclaims that her child is 27 months old. Her child is 2. Just 2.
This might seem harsh but this is all coming from someone who has made these mistakes, and honestly it stemmed from a lack of maturity and security in my relationship. I felt a need to prove to everyone that my boyfriend and I were a happy couple because I wasn’t sure of it myself. Every month was a milestone because I could hardly believe we were still together and when he did the rare nice thing for me I wanted everyone to see it as a way to prove to myself that there was a reason I wanted to be with him. If this is the case, reevaluating the relationship might be necessary. If you are happy, then that’s great, and I’m truly happy for you, but then there shouldn’t be a need to share the intimate details of your relationship with the world. Social media can be detrimental to a healthy relationship; we’ve all seen it happen. Be considerate of others and of the privacy that your relationship is entitled to and stop being the annoying couple, or consider yourself #unfollowed.