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LaVonne Patoir

My Brief Crash Course to All Things Crystals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

There’s this ride at Disney’s Magic Kingdom called the “Seven Dwarfs Mine Train”. During the very long queue line, there are crystals and gems everywhere. Guests can play with an interactive crystal game, emeralds and rubies shine onto ceilings and the twinkling sound of diamonds can be heard throughout the wait. This is the first thing I think of when I think of crystals.

The second thing is magic, psychics and a variety of other rituals.

All things considered, I wanted to change my perception of crystals.

But first— everything you need to know about crystals:

To learn more about crystals, I went to one of my best friends: Cade Cruz. Cruz has only been using crystals for a few years, but he has already developed a deep passion for them. Upon my arrival, he showed me these little flyers from a company called Crystal Portal. According to the Crystal Portal’s guide, this is how crystals work:

  1. Atoms create vibrations and frequencies. While most inanimate objects vibrate at a low frequency, living beings and crystals vibrate at a high frequency.
  2. You can use the high frequency of crystals to bring yourself into a state of harmony and balance. Some ways you can do this are by setting intentions and carrying the crystals with you, creating a sacred space within your home or meditating. Cruz and I did the latter.
  3. Finally, crystals can be charged and cleaned using sage, water, salt or sun. These four elements are also believed to have high or pure energy.

LaVonne Patoir salt lamp
LaVonne Patoir

A salt lamp.

Crystals 101 (according to Cade Cruz):

  1. Cruz said he buys crystals for three reasons: personal (“meaning the energy I want to bring into my life”), astrological (“zodiac signs and whatnot”) and the aesthetic (“because they look pretty”).
  2. Crystals are about connecting with the earth! “We’ve all come from the earth and it feels like I’m connecting myself back to the earth.” By using crystals, you can bring pieces of the world into life and let them guide you into rounding out your life.
  3. The most important thing to understand is that crystals don’t do anything, there is no guarantee. It’s about thought reinforcement, and those thoughts pushing you in the right direction. “Crystals don’t equal magic; they represent real things and real intentions and real energies. It’s like when you walk into a room you feel energy or a vibe— they’re like that.”

My Experience Meditating with Crystals:

I meditate every so often. Sometimes I’ll do it before I wake up or before I go to sleep, but never with stones in my hand. On my left, I held the lapis lazuli. This represents communication and inner power. In my right, I held the moonstone. This represents inspiration and goddess energy. (Cruz urged to use the latter in the spirit of “girl power”.) I chose both crystals based off my zodiac sign. (Go Libras!)

Cruz’s method of meditating starts with texture. To help clear my mind, Cruz suggested I focus on how smooth the stones were or what shape they were. I did this while slowly clenching and releasing my fists around the stones— I wanted to create energy. As I continued the gesture, I also focused on the music I was playing (a combination of Vampire Weekend and Norah Jones) and slowed my breathing.

I started a chant in my head: Communication. Power. Goddess. Communication. Power. Goddess. This mantra represented the energy that I wanted to bring into my life. And when I was ready, I opened my eyes, smiling.

LaVonne Patoir meditating
LaVonne Patoir
After I laid the crystals down, Cruz asked me how it went. “Good, really good.” And I meant it! I came into the experience wanting to learn more about crystals, and I did. I have this newfound respect for the joy and peace that crystals can bring into one’s life and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to experience a new state of mind.

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LaVonne Patoir is a senior at Florida State University, graduating in April 2021. She is passionate about writing about the BIPOC community, trends from the 2000s, and likes reading career or academic tips. When she's not working (or sleeping), she is either watching anime or attempting something she saw on Pinterest.
Her Campus at Florida State University.