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Create a Harmonious Space Using the Ancient Art of Feng Shui

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The new year is quickly approaching and I am sure we are all looking to start it out on the right foot — in balance and in harmony. Well, feng shui provides individuals with a set of guidelines to do just that! According to National Geographic, “feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to achieve harmony and balance.”

Feng shui, which dates back to early practices in Taoism, is still popular in China today and is becoming increasingly popular in the west. Taoists believe that feng shui balances out chi. Chi is the energy that is within everything surrounding us. There are two different types of chi, yin and yang, and by rearranging objects with feng shui in mind, you can ensure that positive energy sticks around and that negative energy stays away.

Being a quarter Chinese, my family rearranges our home at the end of each year to ensure everything is in place to bring the most peace and prosperity. Now that I have an apartment of my own, I plan on doing the same and am looking to get an early start! So, here are a few tips for how you can balance out your bedroom.

To start, your bed placement is very important! The bed is the focal point of a bedroom so it should be in a command position. Position your bed so that the side of it can be seen from your bedroom entrance.

Once your bed is in place it is time to talk décor. The décor in your bedroom is what sets the mood, so it should cultivate a happy environment. Consider placing abstract artwork with uplifting colors, scented candles and dimmable lights throughout your bedroom. When hanging artwork in your bedroom, it should be placed across from the bed instead of behind it to increase the positive energy.

Equally as important as décor, it is important to create a work-life balance, even within your bedroom. Normally it is not recommended to have any working space in your bedroom. However, given that college apartments have limited space, this is likely inevitable. If it is absolutely necessary that you have both work and leisure space within your bedroom, you should create a separation. Consider investing in something like a divider to put between your bed and desk.

Finally, avoid allowing your bedroom to become a “stuffy” environment because that causes distress. It is entirely normal to accumulate things throughout the year, so take some time to declutter. Storage is good but avoid storing items under your bed. Instead, utilize cabinets and drawers.

These several tips only scratch the surface of how to create the most harmonious space, but feng shui is about doing the most. It is about mindfulness and careful consideration. Rather than working to make everything perfect, individuals should work to consciously make decisions about the placement of objects in their space. This increased mindfulness will ultimately allow you to feel more at peace.

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My name is Alexis Dorman and I am a second-year, honors student at Florida State University. I am pursuing a dual degree in International Affairs and Political Science, with minors in Chinese and Education. For the past 8 years, I've spent my time volunteering, participating in a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities, and making the most of my educational career. I am passionate about international affairs, political science, current events, and diplomacy. Aside from my academic interests I enjoy writing, art, music, and movies!