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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

When reminiscing on my senior year of high school, I recall all the long-term couples suddenly breaking things off merely two weeks before graduation, saying “It’ll just be too hard. You know, with college and everything.” They would talk about how they needed to be single to enjoy the new experiences that college would bring them.

Don’t get me wrong — long distance is difficult, but it’s definitely doable and can bring so much joy into the college experience. While being in a long-distance relationship for over a year, I have tried plenty of ways to keep the spark alive while not being able to physically be together.

These are some of the ways that have helped my partner and I feel not so far away despite our 2,000-mile distance.


Many of you may remember an old Chrome extension called Netflix Party. Well, now they’ve rebranded it to Teleparty, giving their audiences the experience of watching entertaining shows and movies together even when physically apart. Movie nights are a special experience with friends and lovers, and it may seem that a long-distance relationship simply cannot have that. But with Teleparty, you can watch anything on Netflix, Youtube, Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO, and Amazon Prime Video with your special someone.

My partner and I have also created a list of shows and movies for us to watch together, which makes it even more exciting! Being able to look forward to something makes it all the more special.

Online games

For my gamer couples, and even those who haven’t played a game since the third grade, online gaming can foster some of the most fun bonding experiences between you and your long-distance partner.

My boyfriend and I personally love to play It Takes Two, an EA co-op game that is filled with adventure, laughs, and love. It has the cutest story and so much gameplay. We still haven’t even finished it! This game is perfect for long-distance couples!

We also love to play Escape Simulator, which is basically a way to do an escape room while miles apart. For those couples that love puzzles and figuring out problems, you’ll want to get this one!

Spotify Collaborative Playlists

Music is a great way to get to know your partner while sharing something that is meaningful to both of you. Spotify has a great feature where you can add people to your playlist, so they can add music too! This is perfect for feeling a bit closer to your significant other while doing something alone like studying or walking to class.

Planning Your Next Trip

A key component of long-distance relationships is being able to look forward to something, whether it’s when you move in together or just take a simple weekend trip to see them. It’s important to always have some plan of when you’ll see each other next, so it never feels like too long until you’ll see them again.

For my plane travelers, Flighty is a great app, allowing you to have a countdown on your home screen for when you see your special someone!

Reminder Gifts

A big struggle with long-distance relationships is not being able to be physically there. It may feel lonely when you don’t have anyone to hug or cuddle, but that’s why reminder gifts exist. It can be something as simple as a stuffed animal that they can hug whenever they feel sad or miss you, or something more special like a fingerprint necklace. These little gifts can serve as a reminder that you are there for them, despite the distance.

Deep Questions

My boyfriend and I like to keep a list of deep questions for each other to help facilitate meaningful conversations whenever we get to Facetime. These talks can help you feel a bit closer to your partner without having to physically be there. No matter how long you have been together, there is always more to learn about your partner, and having these deep questions on hand makes it a lot easier.

In my experience, long-distance relationships don’t have to be too hard, despite what some may say. With true effort and dedication, this type of relationship can flourish just as much as in-person ones. It’s never too much for the person you love.

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Reese Hrannarsson is a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University chapter. She writes bi-weekly articles surrounding personal, culture, and campus topics. Beyond Her Campus, Reese is the Director of Finance for Florida State University's Women Student Union and the Secretary for the Women In Government club. She is a sophomore majoring in Political Science and Economics and is interested in working in government. In her free time, Reese enjoys going biking and spending time with family and friends. She also loves travelling and hopes to travel to every U.S. capital.