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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Many people felt that immense feeling of quarantine boredom prompting us to try every Pinterest idea and social media trend we could get our hands on. Some delighted in their hidden abilities, such as baking, while others joined Chloe Ting on her health kick. While many people found new hobbies or rekindled old ones during their isolation, this woman used her time in quarantine to convert her hobby into a thriving company. 

Meet Jazmyn Cramer, a Miami girl and junior majoring in Hospitality and Tourism at Florida State University. She is the epitome of a true girl-boss, balancing class and a full-time job during the day while making jewelry at night. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jaz this week to ask her some questions about her small business, Beaded by Jaz. 

Her Campus (HC): What inspired you to start Beaded by Jaz?

Jazmyn Cramer (JC): My inspiration stemmed from overpriced jewelry being sold on platforms when I knew that if I got the materials, I could make similar jewelry for an affordable price. I also enjoy making other people happy. By making jewelry that will bring happiness and confidence to others, I am fulfilling that goal of making others happy.

HC: How did you start up your small business?

JC: I used my savings to purchase the materials like beads, wire and string, and was consistently posting every day to build up my brand. The support I received from friends ultimately was what prompted me to start Beaded by Jaz.

HC: What kind of jewelry do you sell?

JC: I sell boho, 70’s inspired and very colorful jewelry ranging from earrings, rings, necklaces and so much more. 

HC: What’s your mission behind each piece of jewelry?

JC: I want everyone to be able to express themselves in any way they want, which is why I create such eclectic pieces so there’s something for everyone. 

HC: How do you balance being a full-time student and a small business owner?

JC: I balance being a full-time student and a small business owner by staying organized and planning my schedule. It is important to incorporate relaxation time into your schedule so you don’t feel drained or overwhelmed.

HC: Where do you see Beaded by Jaz heading in the next year?

JC: As long as I stay consistent with creating new products that people love, I can see Beaded by Jaz experiencing a lot of success.

HC: What’s your advice for people who aspire to create their own business?

JC: The best advice I can provide to individuals who want to start their own small business is to stay focused. If you are passionate about anything, stay focused and you will achieve great success. Maintaining a successful business will require a high level of consistency. People are frequently very driven when they initially begin but lose that motivation over time as a result of frustration.

HC: How can Her Campus readers shop Beaded by Jaz?

JC: Her Campus readers can shop Beaded by Jaz on Instagram @Beadedby.Jaz. Her Campus readers will also receive 10-percent off if they DM me that they came from Her Campus!

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Hi!! My name is Lauren Mayo and I am a Junior at Florida State University!! Go noles! I am majoring in Social Sciences and Media Communication Studies on the Pre-Law track