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Louis Vuitton, Lingerie and Luxury: Introducing Nabia Attah

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Nabia Attah is a 23-year-old fashion guru, a full-time Louis Vuitton buyer and a newfound entrepreneur following the launch of her lingerie line Covered in Anima!

I have had the pleasure of knowing Nabia since we were children. I am honored to have sat down and asked her questions about the amazing accomplishments in her life so far, as well as her passion for the fashion industry!

Her Campus (HC): What was the inspiration behind your brand ‘Covered in Anima?’ What made you choose that name for your line?

Nabia Attah (NA): The inspiration for my lingerie line was being confident. When I was in high school, I was always the girl that just had so much confidence. Even in college, a lot of my friends would say, “You’re a little too confident,” almost as an insult. But, you just have to be confident because confidence takes you everywhere. Even if you’re feeling terrible or having the worst day of your life, holding your head up high and being confident is so important.

I’m also so obsessed with lingerie and PJs. I don’t think I ever go to sleep in just a t-shirt. I started researching fabrics and it’s been scientifically proven that you sleep better when you wear luxury material to sleep. I wanted to monetize on that, because most people are creating t-shirt or hoodie lines. I didn’t see anybody making intimate wear, which is why I wanted to tap into that sector.

I chose the name ‘Covered in Anima’ because Anima is my middle name. A lot of people just know me as ‘Nabia’ or ‘Bia’ and nobody knows my middle name. A lot of big brands like Michael Kors and Gucci have timeless names and my name is forever, so I really wanted to show that for my brand.


HC: How long has this clothing project of yours been in the works? Were there any obstacles you faced during the creation process?

NA: I’ve been working on this line for about a year. I didn’t have time to invest in it at the beginning because of my grueling job. I wasn’t able to balance my time well. So, from the start, I mostly jotted things down, researched and tried to sample different products.

One obstacle I faced was just finding the right fabrics. I can sew, so I wanted to make it myself. However, I just didn’t have the time with my current job, so I realized I needed to outsource. Outsourcing took a long time with a lot of trial and error. I didn’t always like the samples I got. Another obstacle I faced was just bringing it all together. I feel like it’s so hard to start, but once it’s done, it’s so easy to keep up with.

HC: I know that for the last few months you have been working with a huge designer brand. How did you get your job at Louis Vuitton? What are any experiences or passions that helped you get to this point?

NA: Before my job at Louis Vuitton, I worked for Nordstrom for a while and I wanted to be a ‘buyer’ for them. A buyer essentially picks pieces, puts them into the collections and then puts them into stores across the region. I also had a fashion internship which got me in the door for Louis Vuitton.

I think what really got me the job was my presence. I interviewed well. I had about four or five different interviews for Louis Vuitton, which was very competitive and strategic. People say it’s like trying to get into Yale. Even though I didn’t have any experience in buying before this, I felt that when I interviewed, I knew what I was talking about in terms of fashion history, different designers and my inspirations.

HC: I know that growing up, you were obviously very involved in fashion. Was there an exact time when you realized that passion would soon progress into a career?

NA: I knew I wanted to be in fashion since elementary school. In second grade, I was making clothes for my Barbies out of tissue paper. I knew I didn’t want to necessarily be a designer because I didn’t like sketching and I wasn’t really into art class. In high school, I started getting into Vanity Fair and just different fashion magazines because I knew I wanted to be in fashion. Ever since my freshman year of high school, I just knew I wanted to be a buyer.

HC: With all the accomplishments that you have experienced thus far at such a young age, where do you see yourself in say 10 to 20 years from now?

NA: My main goal is to work with all the big brands and get the ‘secret formula.’ I just want to get in there and see what they do, so I can build my own empire. I see myself as an entrepreneur and creating multiple clothing lines.


HC: What advice would you give to individuals who are trying to get into the fashion industry or even start up their own business like you?

NA: To people who are just trying to get into the fashion industry, it’s important to just do your research. I feel like a lot of people don’t do their research to learn more about fashion. I think that they should so that they can learn more about their different options and the different sectors. I would also say that you should just be open-minded. Don’t try to follow trends but really show your personality through your clothes.

I hope this interview shined a light on the passion that drives Nabia and the amazing person she is!

Check out her newly released lingerie line Covered in Anima and follow her on Instagram!

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Leann Taylor is a student at Florida State University who's currently pursuing a double major in Marketing and Advertising. In her free time she loves making jewelry, taking pictures, eating anything sweet, and traveling!