We have returned from Thanksgiving: a week of no homework, the opportunity to be home and get away from the campus life. But that was just a little taste and now as students we are jonesing for more. If you think about it, Thanksgiving is this weirdly placed break that makes you feel at home and then you are just not. A clearer picture of this is imagining Thanksgiving as dangling a mouse in front of a hungry cat and snatching it away as soon as the cat’s paws graze it. A cruel and impractical joke.
However, there is a ray of hope that follows Thanksgiving break. It is much longer and more satisfactory. This shining light in the darkness of our very sad lives is known by most as winter break.  In all reality the breaks aren’t too far apart, but to get to this sense of freedom again we are thrown through tumultuous obstacles- also known as finals.
Courtesy: Final Week Memes
We go through these tribulations, clawing our way to classes in the hopes of seeing the cars and buses that will carry us home. Because what are finals, if not a symbol of the coming of winter break? The answer is overwhelmingly clear, there is no need to answer that question. So as we pick up our pencils and laptops, we repeat the mantra: “winter break,” to help push us along and motivate us to the finish line.
And when we cross that line, last test behind us, sweat on our foreheads, and an exasperated smile on our faces, we will think to ourselves, “Winter break!” Also, possibly, maybe another thought running through our minds would be that we may have passed those exams, but that won’t really come into play until January. Our goal of completing our exams will be accomplished and we will be rewarded with the best thing a college student could ask for: a break lasting more than five days and the opportunity to completely let loose.