Ah yes, April is upon us, signaling the end of the semester! The excessive amounts of pollen and constant course evaluation reminders can only mean two things: summer break is coming and finals are here.
I know what you’re thinking, the past school year was hard enough and now I have to worry about finals? Don’t fret, bestie because I have the solution for you. This three-step process is a perfect way to ensure a stress-free finals process.
Step 1: Prepare
Physically writing out the date and time of my exams in a planner also helps me to remember my schedule during finals week. I also set alarms on my phone 10 minutes before my allotted time, to give myself extra minutes to work out any possible issues. Taking your finals is key to ensuring you get a passing grade. Coming from someone who has missed their final, it is NOT a fun time. I’m lucky that I had a professor that was forgiving and allowed me to make up my exam, but some professors are not like her, so let’s not miss our exams!
Preparing for your finals can also include taking a few moments to pray, manifesting an A, listening to some hype music, maybe some nervous peeing or crying even. Do what you gotta do to get yourself ready! This is a judgment-free zone.
Step 2: Take the Final
Actually taking your final is arguably the most important step in the three-step process. Remember, our goal is to complete the final. This can also easily be the most stressful step in the process, if not properly prepared for. This is why we took the time to prepare ourselves in the first step, possibly relieving some of those finals jitters.
Make sure you minimize any possible distractions. Let your roommate(s) know your finals schedule, especially if your exam is on Honorlock. You don’t want any outside factors messing with your potential grades. Placing your phone on silent and having your computer fully charged are also good ways to eliminate any potential distractions.
Just as it is important to actually take the final, we also want to finish it. Pacing yourself is a great way to answer all of your questions and stay within that time limit. Those time restraints can pass by very quickly, and we want to try not to rush ourselves. Rushing leads to careless mistakes and those are not things we want.Take that final and finish strong, love! Give it everything you got.
Step 3: Celebrate
The final step in the three-step flawless finals guide is to CELEBRATE! You definitely deserve it after that stressful situation. Even if you think you did horribly, you still deserve to treat yourself. So, go order that large pizza, get that hot box of Krispy Kreme, do some backflips even! How you choose to congratulate yourself is up to you, just make sure it makes you happy! I know I just enjoy crashing on the couch, eating whatever I want and watching some form of comfort movie or show.
If this is your last final for the semester, do your little happy dance and pat yourself on the back. If it’s not your final exam, that’s okay! Do a quick little dance, applaud yourself and head back to step one…when the time comes that you finish your last final, you know what to do.
We definitely had our doubts about completing a semester with no break, which I would not like to do EVER again please and thanks, but we got through it. Nonetheless, I would just like to say, CONGRATULATIONS ON AN AMAZING YET DIFFICULT SEMESTER BESTIE! You did that dang thang and you did it well. I hope you have great summer and I wish you the best!
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