Ah, the spring semester. Those few months every year of your college career that consist of procrastination, graduations, weekend getaways, empty football stadiums, wearing thick layers of clothes one day and then shorts and flip-flops the next. You’ve just spent three weeks at home relaxing in the sun or vacationing abroad, and now it’s time to come back to the happiest place on earth (sorry Disney World, Florida State’s got you beat) for round two of the school year. There’s no denying that spring semester is quite different from the fall semester, and the cast of Friends perfectly describe just how inexplicably different and fun this time is.
Coming Back From Winter Break
Let’s face it; we all turn into Joey Tribbiani when we go home for the holidays. Gone are the days of you waking up before your 9:30 am class to go to the gym and now, instead, you’re sleeping in until 1:00 pm and eating everything in your kitchen, your best friend’s kitchen, and then going out to eat a few hours later. After three weeks of that, you’ll probably start your spring semester off feeling great.
Seeing Your Roommates Again
Apart from texting 24/7 and face timing every other night, you probably didn’t see your roommates the entire winter break— unless you’re that lucky group of friends who live in the same city, of course. So that first weekend of the spring semester when you’re reuniting with your girl squad is the best. Whether you’re catching up over a few bottles of wine, going out downtown, or just lounging in your apartment eating pizza, being back with your BFFs never felt so good.
When Your Teacher Starts Lecturing on the First Day Of Classes
You haven’t been in class for weeks, and all of a sudden you’re subjected to hours of lecturing, and on the first day nonetheless. Your mind is still on winter break, it’s freezing outside, and you want nothing more than to go back to your apartment and watch Netflix. But you can’t because your professor assumed you had bought his textbooks two weeks ago (seriously?) and did some pre-spring semester reading. As if. Instead, you’re trying to shift your mindset towards school and are spending your first night of syllabus week catching up, because somehow you’re already behind.
Taking It Alllllll In
If there’s one thing the spring semester brings, it’s realization–the realization that you’re one semester closer to graduation, one semester farther from your naive freshman self, and one semester closer to the rest of your life. Is it scary? Totally. Is it going to be amazing? Definitely.
When you walk across campus this semester, take in the beautiful oak trees, take in all your fellow Noles walking to class, take in how amazing Florida State is–because before you know it you’ll be an alumna wishing it were spring semester all over again.
All GIFs courtesy of GIPHY.