College students are no strangers to writing papers. Not having to write one paper throughout your college career is like finding a unicorn and a leprechaun having a cup of tea under a rainbow. But just because we do it all the time doesn’t mean we’re all necessarily good at it (or enjoy it)– so to make the tedious task a bit simpler, here are a few major keys to writing a great college paper.
So you know the handout (I think they’re calling it a syllabus nowadays) that was handed out the first day, containing multiple facets of information about your class? Don’t ever look at it. At the most, take the handout and skim through it. Knowing of an assignment is better than knowing the rules and regulations behind it.
Now if you do the first tip correctly, this one will come naturally. Due dates are a thing of the past. To perfect your essay writing skills, make sure the date of an assignment is a surprise to you. The ideal situation is to simply wait until you are sitting in class and your teacher “reminds” you that your assignment is due in the following week.
Courtesy: We Know Memes
Say your teacher drops this reminder on a Monday, conveniently letting you know your essay is due the following Monday. Here is where you should take advantage of the benefits of procrastinaton. Procrastination gets a bad rap, but in truth, it holds the essence of writing.
The time between knowing about the assignment and actually writing the assignment gives your brain time to build on its knowledge. As your days go by, your thoughts are becoming more intricate and substantial. By the time you actually start writing the whole paper, it will already be completed in your head. So, in our scenario, the first time a laptop should even be touched would be on Saturday at the earliest. However, if you want to be a truly skilled writer, the night before your paper is due or maybe even hours before the class begins can expose you to a magnificent cocktail of words and intellect you never knew you had.
Courtesy: Meme Generator
When the time has come to finally write your paper, keep your mind on alert. This means keeping the TV on because the show you wanted to watch is probably on. Or if you don’t have a TV, your laptop can keep your mind in tiptop shape, switching from site to site, reading up on the newest gossip on Facebook or watching cats play on YouTube. Another way you can get those synapses firing is by finding a nice space to focus like a mall or a bus station—perhaps even a party. The juggling of your attention will create an environment most suitable for critical thinking and writing.
This last tip is what separates the mediocre from the great. Everyone comprehends that exercising robust words constructs an image of intelligence. With this in mind, keep a thesaurus handy because why use the word “but” when you can say “nevertheless” instead? Aside from the use of extravagant words, a good way to create an “A+” paper is through repetition. When you state an idea, you want to mention it at least four times throughout the paper—twice in the same paragraph is even better! Writing the same thing in different ways is a great way to get your reader to realize your main ideas. And what are essays without main ideas?
By following these major keys, you are bound to receive the exact grade you deserve!