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Tips for Staying Optimistic Even During Tough Times

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Staying positive is easier said than done in most cases. Everyone reaches those points in life that keep you in a perpetual cycle of stress and exhaustion. When there’s no end in sight to the workload or the relationship issues, we can get frustrated and start to look at life with a pessimistic attitude. While it’s difficult to dig yourself out of this mindset, there are ways to ease your way back to a positive outlook on your current place in life. 

I would recommend finding something in the future to look forward to, whether that be taking a trip or even making time to do something you enjoy. That being said, don’t forget to live in the moment. Each day is a new day and you get to choose how you spend it. Include some spontaneity every once in a while. Nothing is stopping you from creating a great day out of a stressful one. 

Lean on a support system. If you believe that you bring others down and that they will not want to be around you, you are most likely very wrong. There are people in your life that want to see you thrive and be happy. There is nothing wrong with asking someone who loves you for help or to talk to you. Remember these relationships that bring joy and encouragement to help bring you back to 100%. Practicing gratefulness for what you have, especially in relationships, is important in improving your mindset. Take some time to thank those who have stuck by you through tough times by spending quality time with them or even writing them a letter.  

Courtesy: @sixteenmilesout on Unsplash​ 

I know whenever I am feeling particularly down, I take a break from what is stressing me out and direct my focus onto something that makes me happy. Finding something that makes you consistently happy goes a long way in helping you feel like yourself. Creating and working with your hands can give you a singular focus that can make you feel productive. Being able to express yourself by building your personal aesthetic is another way to set creativity free. This can be through wearing clothes that make you feel confident in how you look, decorating your room to better fit your personality or anything that is going to allow you to feel the most like yourself. 

Probably the most important thing to remember when maintaining positivity and optimism is to take time to focus on self-care whether that be mentally or physically. Exercise is known to release dopamine in the brain which is what makes us feel happy. It is is also a great way to release pent up energy and even if you are not up for going to the gym, a dance party with friends works in the same way. Drink plenty of water and try to catch up on sleep on weekends or when you have a break. All of these will help to improve your mood for the better.

Courtesy: @amandagraphc on Unsplash

Last but not least, know that it is perfectly okay not to feel optimistic all the time. Depression is a very real weight that can be very difficult to overcome and just talking with someone you trust about how you feel is a huge step in the direction to more positivity. Hopefully, these suggestions will help improve your overall mindset and love for life. The idea of optimism revolves around the fact that bad times are temporary and will pass. No matter how you feel in the present, there is a chance to be happy in the future. 

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Literature major at FSU. Lover of Pinterest, books, a good cup of tea, and Disney.
Her Campus at Florida State University.