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Trevor Ragno: The Only Master Debating, Laser Shining, Drone-Building Bartender You’ll Ever Meet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.
Name: Trevor Ragno
Hometown: Lake Mary, FL
Year: Junior
Major(s): Real Estate, Business Management, Professional Sales
Relationship Status: Single
Courtesy: Trevor Ragno
Her Campus (HC): What is your largest accomplishment to date?
Trevor Ragno (TR): In high school I was the number one ranked debater in Florida, a true master debater. Even more impressive than that is my Tamagotchi collection that is still alive and prospering.
HC: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
TR: I shined a laser at helicopter and spent the night in jail because of it. 
HC: Why do you think you are single right now?
TR: Cause I don’t want my love locked down. *He then began to sing “Love Lockdown” by Kanye West*
HC: What do you look for in a girl?
TR: I want someone intelligent so that I can actually talk with her. Common sense is more important to me than knowledge. I don’t care if you know all of Shakespeare’s work if you can’t back the car out of the driveway. 
HC: What is your ideal date?
TR: Some of the most fun things have just been chilling, getting on the scoot and driving around campus, going on the golf course at night and sitting on the roof. The go-to is to go out, get whatever food they want, get some wine, go on top of the roof and look at Tally. And then Netflix and chill.
Courtesy: Trevor Ragno
HC: What are your favorite things to do in your downtime?
TR: I love 3D printing drones, playing sports and lifting weights. I also enjoy bartending at Moda and now the Strip.
HC: How would you describe yourself?
TR: Young, wild and no longer free. 
HC: Why would you say that?
TR: Young because I am still in college and not 21 yet, wild because I do things like shine lasers at helicopters and not free because of that whole helicopter deal.
HC: If you could be any animal, which would you be?
TR: A dolphin, for obvious reasons.


Hope is a Junior double majoring in Media Communication Studies and Sociology. She enjoys listening to music, traveling, and spending time by the pool/beach.
Her Campus at Florida State University.