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Virgin. What a stupid, terrible word. Why does admitting to being a virgin often come with feelings of shame? In high school, being a virigin wasn’t such a big deal, as half the girls were still finishing puberty. College tells a different story: you hear stories of raging hook-ups, witness glorious sex scenes in college-themed movies and come home to your dorm to find a sock on the doorknob.
To all those who still haven’t had sex and are in college, please know that it is not a big deal. Virginity is just a patriarchal social construct, but let’s save that for a different article. To those who are nearing a point in which they are going to have sex, or if you prefer to be prepared just in case, here’s some advice for having first-time sex in college.
Safe Stuff: This is probably the most important thing to consider. Making babies is a fright, but STDs are also very, very scary. Ensure that before you have sex with anyone (oral sex included), you ask if he or she has any sexually transmitted infections (STIs). And always wear protection, just in case.
Being Naked:
Being completely naked is incredibly uncomfortable sometimes, even for people who’ve been having sex for years. If you don’t feel confident in taking off your clothes, and your insecurities are boiling over, then the best thing to do is relax and not overthink it. Remember that the person you’re getting with isn’t concerned with how many back freckles you have.
Courtesy: Sizzle
Experience, or Lack Thereof:
Don’t feel pressure to be perfect during your very first time having sex. Most likely, it’ll be a bit awkward, and you’ll fumble around between different positions. And that is okay! Make sure that you communicate with your partner that this is your first time, and he or she will most likely be more understanding and gentle with you.
The Big O:
Having an orgasm seems like such a magical thing. The reality is, you might not have one every time you have sex. Don’t be surprised if you do not reach climax your first time. Don’t be concerned either because there is nothing wrong with you. Letting expectations brew in your mind will not allow for an enjoyable experience. Sex is fun. So don’t stress Collegiettes!