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What to Expect From Your Mom If You’re Coming Home for Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

There’s no wonder why your mom is your biggest fan and when the holidays roll around, it’s her chance to do all the annoying mom things that you can’t help but love her for. She insists on receiving all of your attention and then some because she exaggerates her sense of abandonment since you left for college house away. She wants to capture every moment and cherish them for the years to come. 

Courtesy: Huffington Post

Like taking pictures. But not any kind of pictures. The kind where you have to color coordinate, have a silly face on, wear matching sweaters for the holiday card, or pose the dog along with the rest of the family making sure they’re looking even remotely in the direction the camera. You have to remember, it may have been months without seeing you or all her children under the same roof again, so she’s not going to miss out on getting pictures of her children because she’ll say, “Who knows when I’ll have you all of you here together again?”

Courtesy: We Have Kids

And let’s not forget the reunion of family and relatives that somehow manage to make any conversation embarrassing. The impending questions about what your plans are after graduation and when you’re going to have a boyfriend. Yeah, let me just pick one up in a snap of my fingers like you expect me to. But your mother watching from the corner stops you from saying that because it’s her day of having all the kids under roof and to be happy.

Once you’ve run out of time talking to all of your relatives finding out when your cousins Brad’s surgery is or why the reason Madison’s teacher put her in timeout was ridiculous, your mother is sitting there patiently waiting to have the conversation about you. No one likes to talk about themselves for long periods of time, especially with their mom doing all of the talking. She wants to make sure you’re okay and everything in your mind is stable and reassuring. It’s your mom’s job to confirm your mental happiness and stability so let her. Don’t feel embarrassed or afraid to be transparent with her. She is your mom after all and probably already knows what’s going on with you and can say I told you so.

Courtesy: Woman’s Day

So, make sure that you spend equal time with your mom as you spend with your friends because she is your number one supporter and deserves your admiration. Even if she can be extra at times,  count on your mother to be there to pick up the pieces. Remember to be thankful for all you have and grateful for the opportunities that come your way. Merry Christmas and make sure to enjoy!

Some days my spirit animal is Leslie Knope. Other days, it's April.
Her Campus at Florida State University.