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What It Feels like to Be a College Student, as Shown by Drake

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s been a month since the new semester has started, and we’re already drowning in exams and papers that are due. Trying to balance school, work and friends can be very stressful and overwhelming. Someone who’s no stranger to sharing his feelings is Drake. Here he is perfectly portraying what it feels like to be a college student.

When you wake up and realize that you have to go to class soon

Courtesy: E! Online

And that class is at 8 a.m.

Courtesy: Twitter

When you beat someone to a good parking spot on campus 

Courtesy: The Urban Daily

When you finally decide to participate in class

Courtesy: Tumblr

But your professor didn’t pick you to answer

Courtesy: Tumblr

When you’re checking your group chats instead of paying attention to the lecture

Courtesy: PopSugar

When all of your professors decide to give exams the same week 

Courtesy: Reactionface

When you’re taking an exam and don’t even know the answer to the first question

Courtesy: Tumblr

And you actually studied a lot for it… 

Courtesy: Global Grind

When you look at the clock thinking that an hour has already passed by, but it’s only been 10 minutes

Courtesy: Twitter

When you can’t even concentrate in class because you’re so hungry

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

When you’re finally done with all of your classes for the day

Courtesy: HipHopAllAround

When you’re planning for the night ahead with your girls

Courtesy: Tumblr

And our favorite part of the day, when you get to go out and forget about all the work you have to do!

Courtesy: Xclusives Zone

Always remember to have fun and be responsible. Have a great fall semester, Collegiettes!

Anacarla is currently attending her last year at Florida State. Can't live without coffee and her dog. You can follow her on Twitter at @anacarlasanchez
Her Campus at Florida State University.