The time of COVID has brought about a series of changes for many people around the world. From individuals learning how to bake, to people kickstarting small businesses due to newfound available time, a number of people have taken advantage of the allotted time in order to further develop. This is especially the case for musical artists Black Fenyx and Nikonowhere, as the two have become better involved in the music industry during this time in hope of establishing themselves within the industry before life readjusts to the normalcy experienced beforehand.
Music for many serves as an outlet as well as a therapeutic measure to cope with different happenings in their life. For instance, music can help a person undergo a breakup, or music can help a person go through challenges elicited by the home environment or hometown culture. Black Fenyx admited in an interview via Discord’s voice chat feature on April 14, that “[music] has allowed me to process my feelings, but has also allowed me to process trauma and the world around me. It has allowed me to feel as if I can connect with more people than just the people that are right in front of me.” He even explained how music has helped with better knowing those in his life by claiming that music is a means of communicating because it may be that the people in front of him “are just afraid to say what they want to say.” So, they speak with music. Having witnessed music as a powerful tool for communication and for understanding the surrounding world, Black Fenyx wanted to contribute to this phenomenon by releasing music that can possibly help those around him.
The music released by Black Fenyx and Nikonowhere is incredibly raw and honest, regarding topics people choose to not talk about. For instance, “TDFI” is a song in which discusses mental health brought upon by difficult situations which can feel suffocating. When asked about how Black Fenyx was able to lyrically express these sentiments, he said that “moving to the suburbs and going through sh*t behind closed doors, not able to tell anybody ‘cause the environment you live in doesn’t embrace the situations you are involved with, definitely influenced me to be more transparent about my problems.” He once felt as if standing alone with trauma in a dark room, but music taught him that he’s not alone. This much is evident when Nikonowhere comments how “there were just a lot of parts in [“TDFI”] that I connected with and really resonated with me in my own life.” It goes to show that the song is not only one to which Black Fenyx can connect with, but, instead, a number of people will be able to relate with.
Working with other people often brings about unwanted conflicts due to the clashing of ideas and opinions. Curious about whether or not Black Fenyx and Nikonowhere experience difficulties throughout the creation of this project, both Charlotte-based artists agree that it was easy working with one another due to their close friendship. The two have known one another for several years, so much so that Black Fenyx considers Nikonowhere like a brother to him. The two only pushed one another for better work, producer Nikonowhere said when further contextualizing their dynamic in the studio. Encouragements such as “I know you can do better than that” were shared between the two of them.
Their album shows how much the two pushed one another for a well-put-together masterpiece.
Before releasing the entirety of their album, the duo presented the single “October 31st.” When deciding upon which song to release as a single, the two agreed that this song sounded best as a single due to its more upbeat beat as opposed to the other songs. However, this song is not just catchy. Black Fenyx, who wrote the lyrics from “October 31st,” admited that he was nervous when sharing it with the public due to the song telling the struggles he underwent following a breakup with a former partner. He was not afraid of backlash, but more so worried about the concerns it could possibly elicit from friends and family, for he never shared this part of his life with them.
But, as stated beforehand, their objective with music is to help people not feel alone in the world with the struggles they experience. He can only hope people can connect to the feelings expressed in “October 31st.”
Black Fenyx and Nikonowhere are only at the start of their music career. The two can only hope to grow from here. Talks of future collaborations and projects are already present, as both artists wanting to further expand their image in the industry to further share their messages and creativity. Black Fenyx, though, hopes to be even more raw and honest in future projects as he wants to “shock the people” with their music.
Everyone should consider streaming their music on platforms such as Spotify in order to not miss out on future shocking projects. Support these two Charlotte-based artists because you never know . . . these two may be as big as DaBaby!
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