Broad City, which originally began as a YouTube web series, has since become a viewer favorite of Comedy Central’s weekly lineups. The show follows real life best friends and comedians Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer as they confront bad hookups, bad drug trips, and pegging. All of this, on the streets of New York from the perspective of two millennial women. Now entering into its fifth and final season, the show has taken off from its very humble beginnings.
The show is produced, and often directed by the two women, a sometimes-rare occurrence in show business. It maintains its relevance by having celebrity guests, including Kelly Rippa, Wanda Sykes, Blake Griffin, and the highly important Shania Twain (this makes more sense after watching the earliest seasons) to name a few.
The show also deals with concerns over women’s rights, sexual exploration, and life after college navigating the real world in a way both humorous and realistic, unlike the comparable Lena Dunham show Girls.
The show offers up quotable one-liners from the boisterous Glazer, who has a clear infatuation with her best gal, which is often mentioned to Jacobson’s chagrin. The show creatively pokes fun at the practices of young women in the real world, in a manner that encourages individuality and friendship, two things many of us could certainly benefit from having more of.
With the help of their supporting characters of fellow comedian Hannibal Burress, Arturo Castro, and Glazer’s real-life brother Eliot Glazer, the two get into trouble but always find their way back together.
With that being said I leave you with four simple words: reduce, reuse, recycle, Rihanna.
(Gif Courtesy of GIPHY)