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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

In the spirit of women’s rights, today we will be talking about the clit. Over the course of the past 8 months, myself, and I’m assuming women like me, have had a slight gloom about them in terms of the way we are being treated in the United States. As one of the most ‘developed’ countries in the world, the United States has let a singular religious sect take over the American political sphere and allow them to wreak havoc on the women of this country. So basically what I am going to do today is write about something that makes most men uncomfortable and/or something that most men do not know about: the clit. 

Forget the politics of today and the continuous female oppression of tomorrow; take 5 minutes of your time to read about one of the best body parts of any human being. We are going to go through 4 fantastic facts about the clitoris that you may or may not know already, and with them, dwell on the power of female pleasure. Let us begin. 

  1. The clit never stops growing

The clit is one body part that never stops growing. A person’s clit continues to grow their entire lives even when the rest of their body is done. The clit nearly doubles in size when a person hits puberty and continues still after that. By the time a person has completely menopause, their clit will be 7x the size it was at birth. 

  1. An adult clitoris is 4 inches long 

Although many people believe the clitoris is just a button sized orgasm organ at the top of the vulva, it is actually around 4 inches long and continues inside the body. The clitoris is shaped like a wishbone; the part that we see from the outside is only the tip of the iceberg. 

  1. Kleitoris: ‘to rub’ or ‘little hill’

The word clitoris is actually derived from the Greek word ‘kleitoris’ which has been roughly translated into both the phrases ‘to rub’ and ‘little hill.’ Apparently the Greek knew exactly what they were talking about and what they were doing behind closed doors. 

  1. 2x the nerve endings as a penis 

The clitoris is an organ that’s function is basically purely for pleasure. The clitoris contains around 8,000 nerve endings in total. Meanwhile, a penis only contains around 4,000. This fact speaks for itself. 

So there we have it, 4 new facts about the clitoris that you can take with you and share with your friends. Your body is beautiful and filled with complexity. For those sexually active, it is important that you know about your body and one aspect of its function. I want to remind everyone with a clit to keep their head up and continue to fight for their rights. And when in doubt, just do what the Greeks did ;)