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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

I recently came across another fantastic home delivery service and probably the one I feel most excited about yet. LOLA is a company created by two Dartmouth grads with the goal of revolutionizing feminine products for women. They want to cover women at all points of their cycle from their first period through menopause.

(Photo Courtesy of MyLola)

 These two women have modernized feminine care by providing a wide variety of feminine products, customizable to any woman’s needs, across her cycle. The company’s products are completely hypoallergenic with no additives, dyes, or chemicals. Individuals have the option to customize the type (light, regular, or super) of tampons, as well as the frequency of delivery. 

LOLA understands that every woman has a different experience with their period and cycle and therefore every woman’s needs will be drastically different. Additionally, LOLA offers a significant amount of sex products that can be easily added to any order. All products can be bought in a sex wellness kit which includes, 5 ultra-thin lubricated condoms, one bottle of water bases lubricant, 5 cleansing wipes, a carrying pouch, and LOLAs guide to sexual wellness.

LOLA works to eliminate the stigma surrounding female reproductive health and sexual activity. They have created a forum for women regarding sex and health, which serves as a safe space where women can lean on and learn from each other without judgement. Additionally, LOLA works to appeal the unfair taxation (or “pink tax”) of tampons across the country, as well as provide feminine products to women who cannot afford them; they have donated 2 million + feminine products. 

This organization is absolutely incredible in its fierce female leadership and empowerment of women across the country. I highly recommend checking it out! 

Amanda Herrup is a writer for Her campus and a junior Psychology Major at Furman University. She enjoys studying Psychology of gender and applying it to her Her Campus articles. In her free time she enjoys traveling, drinking coffee, and watching cartoons and cooking shows.