There is no solid argument on whether abortions are “good” or “bad.” It is simply one of the hardest decisions a woman might have to make, that is, if she even has the option. On September 1, 2021, the state of Texas banned abortions for women after the fetus reaches six weeks old. This law was signed by Texas Governor Greg Abott, and the U.S. Supreme Court failed to overturn it, making Roe v. Wade almost meaningless. This new law does not exlude exceptions for cases of rape or incest. It is a major setback for women’s reproductive rights; it unconstitutionally attacks women’s bodily autonomy. Under the law of the United States, women have the right to choose what to do with their body, according to the 14th amendment, whereas Texas now denies that.
Most women are not aware that they are pregnant as early as six weeks. Banning abortion for pregancies this early makes it next to impossible for women to realize she is pregnant and be able to get abortions in time. If it is a case of incest or rape, then there is no hope for women in these unfortunate and tragic circumstances.
If a woman plans on getting an aborton after six weeks, she is forced to drive several hours outside of the state of Texas, assuming they have means of transportation. Those who provide help to women in need of an abortion are subject to lawsuits. In essence, this law is almost a near-total abortion ban; it creates logistical and financial obstacles for women who are already having to deal with an unwanted or non-consensual path to motherhood. Not only is this a hardship for all women, but it is that much more difficult for people with low incomes, lack of health care, and minorities. In some cases, Texas abortion clinics are not allowed to let patients use their own health care to cover the cost for the procedure.
The world is overpopulated, the number of orphaned children in the system is skyrocketing, the desire for bringing children into this scary world is rapidly decreasing, and yet the options for safe abortions are being limited. So, are these men in charge of the government truly pro-life, or are they pro-controlling women? Why is it that men are making these executive decisions on what women can and cannot do with their bodies? Why are women predominantly represented by men in the U.S. Senate and Supreme Court? The men in charge of signing and passing this abortion ban are not only taking away women’s reproductive rights, but they are also creating a dangerous future for the children ahead. The ones who grow up being thrown between foster homes, the ones who grow up with a lost teenage mother, the ones who grow up in poverty, the ones who grow up neglected, the ones who grow up unwanted.
Texas has a harsh record with 26 restrictions on abortions in the past ten years. An overturn on Roe v. Wade seems very possible in Texas, meaning a total ban on abortion. Furthermore, the number of abortion clinics are rapidly reducing. There is a pandemic of antiaborition tactics in Texas that is spreading. If change is not implemented now then the future for women’s reproductive rights is at risk for not only Texas women, but for all those in the U.S. Every outcry against the pro-life movement matters now more than ever if we want to protect women’s bodily autonomy.