I cannot lie. This week, I have been emotionally spent. I have had to explain to my friendÂ
in Israel why peaceful protests have turned violent, what the point of looting is and more,Â
only to feel frustrated and basically say “of course, if you aren’t Black how would youÂ
begin to understand?” The burden that Black people carry is an experience no one else canÂ
More than being angry with her, I realized that I am upset because, as a Black person, I’mÂ
going to always have to explain why protesting is important, why Black lives matter andÂ
why, in some cases, being polite and peaceful won’t get us to justice. I am angry with myÂ
non-black “friends” who have fallen silent when their voices are needed the most. ThoseÂ
who are not using their white privilege and status to speak out against the injustices thatÂ
have fallen on my people, shame on you. To those using this moment as a means ofÂ
gaining “street cred”, shame on you. To those who are turning this movement intoÂ
something it’s not, by doing things like looting to joke about it on social media, shame onÂ
To those who lack understanding and depth about the importance of the matter at hand, itÂ
is not on us to educate you. Pick up some materials to educate yourself and then takeÂ
action to fight alongside us. To those in positions of power who abuse that power andÂ
decide that it’s okay to kill Black people because of your own prejudiced ways, big shameÂ
on you.Â
We are tired of dying and being shown that we are not valued in a country that, mind you,Â
our ancestors built. We are not going to sit by and hope for change. So, if you thought thatÂ
action would not be taken, you’re wrong. If you thought that an uprising would notÂ
happen, you were wrong. We will not stand by and continue to watch our brothers andÂ
sisters die at the hands of corrupt and hateful officers. After all, in the words of Dr. MartinÂ
Luther King, Jr., in his Letter from the Birmingham Jail, “Injustice anywhere is a threat toÂ
justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a singleÂ
garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”Â
I wrote this poem the other day:Â
Being Black in America is constantly fighting an uphill battle, One that we can’t possibly win.Â
Being Black in America is protesting every other month or week or day because another blackÂ
person has been senselessly slain at the hands of former and current law enforcement. BeingÂ
Black in America is the feeling of constant rage at injustices and ignorance. Being Black inÂ
America is constantly explaining to non-black friends why you’re so angry all the time, why theyÂ
can’t use the N-word, and why things are offensive. Being Black in America is knowing thatÂ
you’re hated, but it won’t stop anyone from appropriating your culture. Being Black in AmericaÂ
is having to ask the same people who will put a bullet in your body without a question for help.Â
Being Black in America means constantly code switching. Being Black in America meansÂ
wondering if you didn’t get something you deserve because you’re black, while also beingÂ
attacked for getting something due to the fact that you are. Being Black in America meansÂ
working twice as hard to be seen as half as good. Being Black in America means having to beÂ
extra cautious about how you dress, look, or act for fear of someone thinking you’re a threat.Â
Being Black in America means being roughed up by law enforcement, no matter how polite youÂ
are. Being Black in America means having your hands up so that they don’t shoot. Being BlackÂ
in America means having to explain why Black Lives Matter and how that doesn’t mean thatÂ
other lives don’t, but that those lives are not on the line. Being Black in America means living inÂ