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5 Reactions to the GC Wireless Network Update

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

This year has been hard for any Bobcat on campus due to Georgia College’s internet connection, which is faulty at best. The previous network (GCSUWireless) was incredibly unreliable and constantly crashed because too many people were on it at one time, and the school recently moved to a network that required students and faculty to log in before gaining internet access. This network (GCWireless) needed our Unify log-in information, and I know that when I tried accessing it for the first time, nothing I tried work. I changed my unify password over 5 times before it finally let me access the wifi. And when I finally gained access into the network, it only worked half of the time I was on campus! Needless to say, I was frustrated. Before anyone screams “first world problems” at me, I think that as a student paying thousands of dollars in tuition money, I should have access to a reliable wireless network. This is important for when I’m in the library and need to get assignments done, or for students who actually live on-campus! A lot of classes require students to do homework or take tests online, and it hinders our schoolwork when we don’t have reliable internet.

This week, the school sent out an email saying that we will have to switch back to GCSUWireless for a short period of time because they will temporarily remove GCWireless. They need to “enchance” the network and it won’t be available again until next semester. Don’t get me wrong; I love being a Bobcat and all, but I also love wifi that works. I was extremely irritated after reading the email and think that all you fellow Bobcats out there can relate. But in case you don’t know how most of the campus is feeling, let me break it down for you so that you can understand my reactions as I read the letter.

1. We don’t have to use our Unify information anymore?

2. But you’re switching back to the open network?

3. You aren’t bringing back the secure network until March 2015?

4. I pay money for this?

​5. I give up. I’m going back to bed. Wake me up for graduation.


Tina is a senior English major at Georgia College, with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in French. She loves cats even though she is allergic to them, staying in bed all day and watching Netflix, and nail polish. She hopes that she will be a published author one day and also wants to teach college English. She is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Eta Mu chapter), and green is her favorite color. You can follow her on twitter at @teenz_ng