If you live in Georgia, you know what it’s like to trudge to class, back sticky with sweat. It’s already the beginning of September, and yet the humidity has yet to pack up and leave. There will be days where the humidity falters, but those days are few and far between, leaving the masses to find different means to stay cool. Well, I’ve compiled a list to help all those suffering from the harsh Georgia heat. Read on, for 5 ways to stay cool at GCSU awaits.
5. Wear Weather-Appropriate Clothing
This one is a given. If you’ve lived in Georgia long enough, you should know by now that signs of the start of autumn are always misleading. If you have a morning class and it’s chilly out, wear your usual summer-y clothes: some shorts and a tee. But, to protect yourself against the chill, tack on a sweater. Problem solved. In this way, once you emerge from class from almost an hour later as the humidity and heat begin to hit, you can take off your sweater and, viola, instant relief!
4. Eat/Drink Frozen Treats
Cooling down your mouth is the first step to cooling down the rest of you. That may sound strange, but it’s true. I know that whenever I’m hot, a nice cold iced chai tea latte will cool me down. It’s also quite refreshing! Not only drinks will work, but popsicles and ice cream as well, which are available at most venues around campus. If you’re hot, cool yourself down with a nice strawberry popsicle, courtesy of the local Chick-fil-A. Not only will you feel cool and refreshed, but your mouth and the rest of your body will thank you.
3. Seek Shade
If you’re stuck on campus, or perhaps have time to kill before your next class, find shade. It’s as simple as that. While everything around you is naturally going to be boiling hot, the shade at least provides that little bit of relief that can help you get through the day. Not only are you concealed from the sun’s hot rays, but have a chance to rest yourself, and to dab at the sweat accumulating behind your neck. And, ah, what’s that? A breeze? Yes, shade also provides the occasion breeze, a breeze that would undoubtedly be laced with humidity if you were still standing in the sun.
2. Go to the Pool
All college campuses have a pool. At least one. And if your campus is that rare one that does not, find a pool. A local one, an indoor one. Doesn’t matter, just find one, because you won’t regret it. I mean, what’s more refreshing than jumping into a cold pool? Almost nothing. You just jump in and wade. The sun doesn’t feel quite so hot anymore. And what’s best is that once you surface, it takes that much longer for the sun to feel hot again. Perfect. A pool is there all day, everyday, so use it whenever!
1. Stay Indoors
This may seem obvious, but here it is. The number one way to stay cool on a hot Georgia day is to simply stay inside. Why? Well, for starters, there’s AC. Can’t go wrong with that. There’s no humidity, not even an inkling. And, you can stock your freezer full of frozen things to eat at any time you want! Being indoors is the ultimate way to beat the Georgia heat. You’re going to wonder why you didn’t think of it sooner!