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6 Realizations While in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

There are certain realizations you have while in college. Some of them can be life changing, while all of them should be life changing. I think we as college students all tend to have the same realizations, which is nice because it gives us one more thing to have in common.

Without further ado, here are some common realizations.


1. You are going to be moving constantly.

From living in a residence hall, to deciding to live in an off-campus apartment, to wanting to find a house, to going back to your parents’ house. It’s a never-ending movement, and those are just your college years.

2. Friends aren’t forever.

Friends come and go, and in college you realize the people you met last year, aren’t the people you still want to hang with this year, or in years to come.

3. Time does exist…you are just not using it correctly.

You must use your time efficiently and effectively for you to benefit and feel accomplished.

4. Everything is not now suddenly expensive; you’re just buying it yourself.

This doesn’t apply to you if you have always been self-sufficient, so go you! For other people, not it’s not expensive, it has always been that price.

5. The phrase “It’s Free” is your best friend.

Enough said.

6. College is not the best four years of your life.

Yes, you may have cool experiences, but you have the rest of your life to live and label it “the best”. Don’t believe the hype!

Mariah is a senior psychology major, who has aspirations to work in the library science field. She enjoys listening to music and making playlists, playing board games, and crafting. She enjoys writing for Her Campus because it gives her the chance to share unconventional articles that would otherwise not be published, while at the same time promoting female empowerment.