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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

There seems to be a common trend of people not really wanting to show their true self. Whether they are afraid that others will not live them or that they are not yet comfortable around others to really express who they are. Acceptance of who you are is often a hard concept to pin down on. Which can be tied with the social norms of what is acceptable and what is deemed unacceptable to the “normal” person. With self-acceptance comes self-confidence and confidence is an element that you have to build up. Once you have confidence and acceptance built up to the level that you want to have and are comfortable with yourself, you actually start to feel better. I’m no expert at all in increasing self esteem, but I can encourage other people to know their self worth and that the opinions of other people don’t matter as much as they think. The main idea out of this is to know that you have to accept yourself. Really accept who you are, not just tolerate yourself to the point where you’re kind of confident, but fully accept every aspect of who you are. 


Mariah is a senior psychology major, who has aspirations to work in the library science field. She enjoys listening to music and making playlists, playing board games, and crafting. She enjoys writing for Her Campus because it gives her the chance to share unconventional articles that would otherwise not be published, while at the same time promoting female empowerment.