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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Whether you truly believe in zodiac signs or not, it can be interesting to read about your sign and monthly horoscope. I’ve recently gotten into researching signs and observing people’s’ behavior and how it matches with their sign; and often the similarities are scarily accurate! I’ve compiled a few characteristics of each sign, along with the corresponding horoscopes for September. One note about zodiac characteristics, if you’re right on the edge of two signs, you may have some qualities of both!


Element: Air

Best romantic partner: Leo

Date: January 18-February 20

Aquarians are emotional, deep-thinking, independent, and often shy. They can be a little off-the-wall, but their uniqueness is a strength. Aquarians need alone-time to think and recharge, or they may become irritable or bored. However, they enjoy collaborating and exchanging ideas with other people. They are the progressives, the humanists, and the innovators of the world.

September horoscope: You will feel acceptance for other people rising day after day, and your social life finally resembling the one you’ve had before. The liberation and fulfillment of finished work on yourself and your inner shadows will bring a lot of satisfaction in weeks to come. Hopefully, you didn’t dismiss too many emotions and valuable people, excluding them from your life.You still have a lot to learn. Think of this time as your opportunity to find direction and hope for everything the future might bring. Your mission is at the grasp of your hand and once you realize what it is, steps towards it will be a lot simpler. Clarity in your attempts and motivation will ultimately lead to easier circumstances and support from the Universe to follow your cause.



Element: Water

Best romantic partner: Virgo

Date: February 19-March 20

Pisces are artistic, giving, musical, compassionate, and deeply emotional. They will do anything for people they care about, but once pushed too far won’t hesitate to cut someone off. They tend to draw off others’ emotions and energy, and therefore like meeting different people and interacting socially. Pisces usually have creative talent, which may manifest in musical interest, art, or other areas. They are known to be the most faithful and tolerant of all zodiac signs.

September horoscope: Be very careful to listen to your sensitive side this month. There is so much your emotional world might not be ready for, and you will have to rely on ultimate compassion and understanding of the human race in order to feel good about yourself. Any aggressive behavior will lead to subconscious guilt and tenderness will open doors for some much needed new relationships in your life. Shine a light on your fears and dark desires. Satisfy your physical needs first to make room for other people and their troubled souls. You will need a lot of rest so make time for it as you move along, and remember at all times that Jupiter in your eighth house brings protection.


Element: Fire

Best romantic partner: Libra

Dates: March 21-April 19

Aries are confident, determined, stubborn, and honest. They are usually looking to take action or begin a new project. They’re always on the move and multitasking, so they make great leaders. Aries can be found leading the pack, often into situations others may be cautious about. This can be both a strength and weakness, so Aries must learn to balance out their natural drive to go head-first into everything.

September horoscope: The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950’s. With some challenges that are in front of you as September takes its course, you will start to realize that a way to let some steam out and avoid stress is vital. Even though you might end up in a conflict that will take a lot of your energy, you can expect it to be resolved in the best possible way by the end of the month. Question your belief system if necessary, and try to understand which expectations you had in the past weren’t realistic. This should help you build a clearer image of future events, and finally materialize your plans as this month ends and your ruler gets to the sign of its exaltation – Capricorn.


Element: Earth

Best romantic partner: Scorpio

Dates: April 20-May 20

Known as the most stubborn sign of the zodiac, Taureses know exactly what they want and won’t hesitate to go after it. They are often concerned with acquiring material possessions, and are also extremely sensual and rely on touch to convey feelings. Tauruses are very protective of those they care about, often to a fault. This can translate to jealousy and overprotectiveness, something they may not even be aware of. However, this trait has the positive attribute of making Tauruses extremely loyal and committed.

September horoscope: This month, you will feel like some circumstances are overwhelming and not that easy to metabolize. You got used to Jupiter and its gang in Virgo and your fifth house, and it was easy to get used to it with so many loving relationships and ways to be creative while working for your true goals. With a slow transfer of this energy to Libra, everything will speed up and you won’t be sure what to do and which decisions to make. Your ruler will be in Libra for long enough to help you resolve some troubled relationships at work and balance your diet. By the end of September, it will enter Scorpio and pull you towards your partner and matters of sexuality. When this time comes, be as tender as possible, but set clear boundaries when it comes to any form of aggression.


Element: Air

Best romantic partner: Sagittarius

Dates: May 21-June 20

Geminis are often stereotyped as the two-faced sign. This isn’t necessarily negative, it just means they have two different sides to their personality. While usually fun-loving, witty, and outgoing, Geminis also have a serious and deep-thinking aspect of their personality. They have a deep love for experiencing new things and exploring the world. They may seem restless or always searching for the next thing to entertain or inspire them.

September horoscope:You are still encouraged by the optimism of Jupiter living in your ruler at the moment. This feeling shouldn’t leave you soon, but you could get disappointed by the final product of your work if you lose contact with reality along the way. Think about ways to be creative and as childish as only a Gemini can be. Refuse to grow up in a classical sense today, and be sure to do everything in your power to take things a bit less seriously.


Element: Water

Best romantic partner: Capricorn

Dates: June 21-July 22

Cancers are known as one of the most emotional and sensitive signs. They care deeply about others and don’t handle criticism or conflict well. They are loyal and sense others’ emotions exceptionally well. Their deep sensitivity and emotions can cause them to have mood swings or bouts of anger at times. Cancers aren’t as driven or leadership-prone as other signs, but this can be a strength because they’re content with simply having a happy family and peaceful life.

September horoscope: You should set up a system to get the work done as the attention of the world slowly turns from work to relationships with other people. You won’t find it easy to handle the pressure for the first couple of weeks in September, but as time goes by, you will remember that you are on the right path and know exactly why you are in this specific position. Round up any work that started a while ago, so you can make room for other important issues in the autumn. This is a month dedicated to your routine, and possible health problems should be checked and healed in a timely manner. Pay attention to your diet and sleeping habits. You need all the rest you can get.


Element: Fire

Best romantic partner: Aquarius

Dates: July 23-August 22

Represented by a lion, Leos are strong leaders who don’t hesitate to lead the pack. They have a natural charisma and people are drawn to them. They can also be stubborn to a fault, and may be hard to interact with at times. They’re lovers of life, and are always ready for a good time. They have a strong self-confidence and can often be found surrounded by many different groups of people.

September horoscope: You will gain a lot from your attitude this month, especially at your workplace and in new challenges that a project you are on will bring your way. Carefully choose your words and you might gather some followers along the way that will ensure your success and your professional goals reached. As you move deeper into September, the Sun will meet with Jupiter in Libra and this will bring all sorts of new relationships and partnerships into the lives of Leo representatives. However, the Sun in Libra always weakens you in a way, and you will have to turn your attention to others and be careful not to selfishly pursue ways to satisfy your needs.


Element: Earth

Best romantic partner: Pisces

Dates: August 23-September 22

Virgos are detail-oriented, careful thinkers. They are even-tempered and are usually thinking out their next move or plan. They work hard to achieve their goals, but aren’t as outgoing or leadership-driven as Leos. Virgos make excellent writers or caregivers, due to their attention to detail and dedication to goals and tasks.

September horoscope: You will need some time to recover from the party in your sign, when the lights were together with Mercury and Jupiter, giving you so much excitement. The move Jupiter will make to Libra will be a big change for every Virgo. You got kind of used to a situation in which you can rely on your beliefs and expectations, and know exactly what the future will bring. This is a month when you might get a chance to significantly improve your financial situation. Your attention will turn from yourself to other people, and you will be reminded over and over again how important responsibility and tact are. Dress well and care about the way you look. This will give you the confidence and the energy to go with the flow and use the change in the best possible way.


Element: Air

Best romantic partner: Aries

Dates: September 23-October 22

Libras are very partner-oriented, preferring to do things with others rather than alone. They make excellent team or group members. Libras hate to see injustice, and will do everything they can to bring peace and fairness to an unjust situation. They love soul-feeding things such as good books, beautiful places, and quality friendships. They can often be found exploring the outdoors (with someone else of course).

September horoscope: The world’s record for holding one’s breath underwater is 22 minutes. Unfortunately, you can’t hold Venus in Libra forever, and in just several weeks, it will have to move to Scorpio. The month will begin with a positive change. You will finally feel like yourself, and stop worrying so much about the image you show to the world. The first couple of weeks could serve well to use your appearance and your smile to get ahead. As your ruler moves on to Scorpio and the Sun enters your sign, you will have real trouble holding on to the image you’ve created. Be honest in your approaches and conversations. You will have a desire to get indebted, to spend more money than you have, or endanger your inheritance. Slow down and don’t make any large investments in the last week of September.


Element: Water

Best romantic partner: Taurus

Dates: October 23-November 21

Scorpios are the mysterious, enigmatic sign. They are extremely passionate about things or people they care about, but are difficult to figure out. Scorpios prefer to keep their feelings internalized, until they’re absolutely sure they can trust someone. They’re usually calm, cool, and collected, with a strong air of mystery. They’re honest and loyal, but it takes a while to earn their trust and loyalty.

September horoscope: Open your arms to welcome Venus in your first house this month. You should be ready to accept love, joys of life and new ways to satisfy your physical and emotional needs. With Venus in Scorpio, you might have trouble accepting emotions that come your way, but if you remain calm and understand that all of them as natural, you will have a great opportunity to find love. You will feel Mercury moving retrograde in your eleventh house and create new opportunities to communicate and resolve issues with a friend. Unfortunately, it will encounter a square with Mars along the way and this could lead to a conflict that seems impossible to overcome. Be tender and choose words with enough care to avoid hurting people you care about.


Element: Fire

Best romantic partner: Gemini

Dates: November 22-December 21

Sagittarius love to explore the world, as they’re extremely curious and free-thinking. They love to meet new people and travel new places, and may even seem restless due to their need to experience different things. Sagittariuses are usually very easily to get along with, as they’re easy-going and friendly. They also tend to say whatever’s on their mind, which can sometimes cause problems in relationships or social situations.

September horoscope: You will feel like a giant weight has been lifted off your shoulders once Jupiter finally moves to the Air sign of Libra. You weren’t really able to deal with expectations of this previous year and it will feel liberating to have it move. The first couple of days will seem like your last chance for a certain career move you’ve been planning, but you have probably dealt with issues in time and took responsibility for your goals and your entire life until now. This is a perfect time for a sudden change, full of surprises and new friendships that might enter your life. Stay open for new contacts with many different people and you will feel liberated from family ties that have been weighing you down for long enough.


Element: Earth

Best romantic partner: Cancer

Dates: December 22-January 19

Capricorns are logical, practical thinkers who are usually fairly serious as well. They have a strong sense of responsibility, so they’re good at saving money and planning for the future. They can be a little too self-confident, and may think their way of doing things is always the best. Capricorns are also very independent, and don’t like to rely on others for things. They’re strongly dedicated to their family.

September horoscope: There’s a resort in Finland where you sleep in a glass igloo to watch the Northern Lights. A similar perspective and a small push to remember miracles of life and planet Earth would be in order as September begins. Realizations of your goals aren’t that far from you and you will have the opportunity to bring them to life if you only believe them to be possible. This is a time when your education could come to a finish. You will learn what needed to be learned and have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in your work. New relationships will form in your workplace and a change in management is likely to happen. Be patient and stay open for opinions and perspectives different from your own.

(Horoscopes: http://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com)

Savannah is a senior marketing major at Georgia College and State University, which is the best college in Georgia by far. She enjoys working out, listening to her favorite bands (Jack White/White Stripes and Led Zeppelin), traveling, and watching netflix. She hopes to be found working on a major advertising campaign one day, or maybe traveling the world in a hippie van. You can follow her on instagram: s_avonlea