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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.


Whether this is your first year attending Georgia College or your last, GC Her Campus would like to extend a warm welcoming hug to all you bobcats out there! Entering college is a wonderful time in your life, and we hope that you embrace and milk it for all it is worth. Georgia College is a wonderful choice of an institution, and we hope that is shown, or is continued to be shown during your time here. 

Some advice to help you navigate your way: get involved! Climb the ranks of your organization so that you can make a difference and leave your mark on this campus. If that is not your thing, then become as active as you can on campus and make multiple connections. These connections will not only be beneficial for you in the long run, but they also could become close friends of yours. 

Regardless of how you decide to spend your first year, or continuing year at GC, make it great. You decided to come to this school for a reason, so channel that reason and let it fuel your fire to be great. 

With that being said, we hope that each and every one of you have had an amazing first couple weeks of class, and that your semester goes off with out a hitch! 



GC Her Campus Staff

Mariah is a senior psychology major, who has aspirations to work in the library science field. She enjoys listening to music and making playlists, playing board games, and crafting. She enjoys writing for Her Campus because it gives her the chance to share unconventional articles that would otherwise not be published, while at the same time promoting female empowerment.