When was the last time you remembered an old family movie night? Was your mom still working in the kitchen while you and your brother laughed and memorized all your favorite parts? What sort of sights, smells, or tastes trigger that “sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past” that feels nostalgic? For many people (and for me), that’s movies. It’s not necessarily the feelings these movies give me, but the memories that are attached to them.
I’ll never forget the entire movie theatre cracking up as Rapunzel tried to shove Eugene into her closet.
The anticipation (and disappointment) of leaving the theatre and having to wait an entire year for the end of the Hobbit trilogy.
Acting out scenes from my favorite movies with my stuffed animals.
It’s the memories that make you wish you could be a kid again, enjoying those simple pleasures with no worries.
The list is definitely longer, but here are five of the most nostalgic movies from my childhood that bring back some of my fondest memories (and that you should watch now!):
#1: Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey
Growing up being homeschooled meant following a structure. Get up early, go to mom and dad’s room, and be on time to watch PBS Kids. When I was younger, those programs made up a lot of my childhood entertainment, and Curious George was my favorite. There were three total movies based off the animated series and the stories by H.A. and Margaret Rey; but this was the only one me and my brother really got attached to. I remember this movie fondly because of how often I used to watch and enjoy it. It had an entertaining and suspenseful build throughout the story, and now that I think about it, a profound life lesson about worry, taking risks, and paying attention to your priorities in life. Combine that with some slapstick humor, an extremely quotable villain, and you’ve got a family classic sure to bring smiles to everyone. If you’re anything like me, you’ll remember your favorite lines years after seeing it.
#2: The Prince of Egypt
This is one of the few childhood movies I still watch frequently. It’s not the kind of movie you grow out of once you get older; it simply gets better with time. It’s included on this list because of the fond memory it brings back from when I first saw this movie. I was maybe 5 or 6 at the time, and I remember just sitting in my grandparents’ basement, the lights being dim, and enjoying every second of this wonderful movie as it played on the VCR player (it was my grandparents’ house remember?). The music, the animation, the story – everything about it was so fascinating to my young mind. I also remember for weeks after that reenacting my favorite scenes with my toys, even in public. It was a unique way to tell a biblical story, and done with such talent and grandeur that I haven’t seen any religious movie replicate. Even if you’re not Christian or consider yourself religious, you would be touched by the movie’s message about freedom, hope, and courage to do the right thing. You at least have to appreciate the musical talent. It’s a classic that is equal to any Disney production.
#3: An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island
When or how I first saw this movie, I don’t remember; I only remember how much I enjoyed watching it. It was one of those movies you became obsessed with as a child and wanted to rewatch repeatedly. But until last spring I had forgotten about it, until I was fortunate to rediscover it again on YouTube. This movie was the third of a series of four movies, all following the adventures of an immigrant mouse and his family in the New World. I just happened to be studying early immigration to the U.S. in a college history course when I re-watched this movie, and I greatly appreciated the honest portrayal of the struggle of European immigrants, something I didn’t understand when I was a kid. I believe this movie to be the best of the bunch because of how simply it tells a complex story. All four movies highlighted problems that persisted in American society for immigrants and other “foreigners,” and this children’s movie did a fantastic job of tackling the controversial topic of the decimation of the Native American societies. It acknowledges the wrongful atrocities that were done in the name of freedom and democracy, yet also concludes that the true American Dream, the desire for a better life, equal treatment, and the ability to make your own way is still a beautiful thing, even if people in power have abused that dream for their own advantage. You don’t really take these kinds of things to heart when you’re a kid, but even then, I believe it still had a significant impact on me. Despite its heavy themes, the characters, story, songs, and action scenes are still funny, memorable, and sure to bring a lot of laughs.
#4: The Secret World of Arrietty
Don’t judge me, but this is the only anime movie I’ve ever seen, and the only one I was sure I’d ever like. The producers at Studio Ghibli are truly masters of this art, and their characters, art, and music portray such powerful emotions in simple ways that I can’t even explain. I didn’t watch this movie much growing up, but I was always happy to when I did. The antagonist was hilarious (and played by none other than the talented Carol Burnett), the main characters well-developed, and the story was rounded and portrayed a beautiful friendship. It had a very bittersweet ending, but I think that adds more to its charm. It’s not the typical “happily ever after,” but that’s just what life sometimes is. I remembered always feeling home-y and relaxed while watching this movie, mainly because of its enchanting music. Much of the movie’s score is played on the harp and other stringed instruments, and to this day that music has the power to excite or calm me. That’s what I love most about this movie; just how “calm” it feels, if that sounds right. While other anime movies try to portray complex themes with fantastical (unbelievable), and confusing scenarios, this one did so with a story that made sense, had even-pacing, and didn’t have bad or overly dramatic family dynamics. If you haven’t seen this yet, you need to. It’ll charm you away into a world you wish existed.
#5: Hotel Transylvania
This last of the bunch is by far one of the most comedy-centered family movies that I have ever seen. There’s a lot of good memories attached to this one, particularly the day I first saw it. I was still young, but it had been one of those days when everything seemed to be going wrong and no one was happy. We went to the movie theater on a whim, not really knowing what to expect. We were all cracking up by the end of it, and it has been a family-favorite ever since. The movie hilariously takes every serious thing you thought about monsters and turns it on its head, even managing to make its central characters relatable in some way. I can’t even read Bram Stoker’s Dracula anymore and take it seriously. You’re scared for about the first 10 seconds of the movie before it immediately jumps into the antics. If you want to retain the serious image of vampires, werewolves, and zombies, don’t watch this movie.