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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

College is hard, especially as the end of the semester is fast approaching with the thought of winter break lingering in the back of your mind. As we settle into our college routines, each day begins to feel the same: class, homework, class, homework, and occasionally you are able to fit sleep and a social life into that pattern. This can be overwhelming, but it is important to learn how to avoid the dreaded college burnout and to stay on track in classes while also maintaining your mental health.

Spend Quality Time with Yourself

It is important to take time alone to recharge; alone time is often a difficult thing to come by in college. As fun as it is to be social and to fill your time with the people you love, it is equally important to spend time with just yourself. We all need a break sometimes, but figuring out how to spend that time is often the difficult part. Below are a few ideas for how to spend your alone time.

  1. Watch your favorite show/movie
  2. Bake/cook
  3. Get active! Go to the gym or on a walk around campus
  4. Treat yourself! Go get your favorite meal, coffee, or treat
  5. Have a selfcare night

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!

It is easy to put sleep at the bottom of your list of things to do, but without proper rest all of the things you prioritized over sleep will not be done as well as they could have been if you were well rested. Your mind and body need rest in order to tackle each day, so it is important to refrain from putting sleep at the bottom of your priorities. 

Have Fun

You are at school to get an education, and while your course work should be your priority, college is also about having fun and making memories with the people you meet along the way. The best way to ensure the fun still has a place in your day-to-day life is to make sure you do not procrastinate on your work. Get your stuff done so that you have the time to do the things you love without the stress of looming responsibilities. Although school is your priority, there is so much more to college, and each thing is an important part of the college experience. Be sure to give yourself the opportunity to have fun sometimes. 

College is stressful and it is easy to become overwhelmed by the responsibilities that have been thrown at you, but by learning to balance school, spend time alone, be well rested, and have fun, school can be enjoyable. Avoiding burnout is obviously easier said than done, but it is possible once you find the perfect balance between all of the things going on in your life. Avoiding burnout in college and prioritizing your mental health is essential to having the best college experience and creating the most stress free environment possible for yourself.

Hi! my name is Emma, I am a sophomore from Minnesota majoring in English for secondary education. I love to express myself and my opinions through creative writing and I also have a strong desire to make a positive impact on peoples lives which I hope can be accomplished through my writing, with that being said I could not be more excited about writing for Her Campus!