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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

As midterms are approaching it can be easy to feel really stressed out. Trying to balance between school, work, sleep, and trying to have a social life sometimes is not ideal. It’s difficult for one person to balance so many things to do and easy to become stressed. Stress is something that comes naturally to the human body but can have deprecating affects. It is so important to deal with stress as it comes because by the time that that test comes around if the stress was too overwhelming it can cause the entire body to shut down, including the mind! So, let’s talk about the best ways to de-stress! 

1. Movie Night 

Movie nights are always a great idea! Gather all the girls, grab some blankets, and chill out in the living room! Just getting all the girls together and grabbing snacks and reflecting on how everyone’s day was is always a good way to de-stress. Sometimes just the act of being together and laughing about the poorly made quality on the TV is enough to let one’s mind wander away from the night and remember that these are the memories you are going to want to remember not the fact that you were stressed all year! 

2. Pedicures

Pedicures are a great way to really relax! The calming music and the quietness of the nail salon are so therapeutic. Gather your best pals and run to the nearest nail salon for some girl time and a cute way to spice up a new look for your sandals! If you don’t want to leave the house, grab some polish and fill a bucket with warm water for your own in-home spa experience!

3. Be Prepared 

One of the best ways to de-stress is to be prepared! Trying not to procrastinate and getting work done early is a great solution to solving stress! Spacing out your work load and taking time to do each assignment or task the correct way can help individuals not feel as though too much is asked of them. Being prepared helps take the stress out of the workload and is a good way to go about living life especially when work is done early, and the weekend is free for a night out!

Any way you decide to de-stress, whether it be a movie night out with your best friends, getting a pedicure and painting your worries away, or even just being a little bit more prepared for the week ahead, use what works for you! Remember that school is important and should be a priority but so is mental health and so if you are so overwhelmed and so stressed out that it is affecting your mental well-being take some time for yourself. School is very important but don’t forget that your worth is not based off of any grade!   


Senior at Grand Canyon University double majoring in Communications and English with an Emphasis in Professional Writing.