Fatigue is not fun
Fatigue is something that everyone struggles with. Whether it be from a hard day or week, or you’re just not feeling great, fatigue can attack at any moment and sometimes manage to stay. You may just not be up to doing anything for the night, or you may not even want to get out of bed in the morning. But there are ways to be kinder to yourself during this process. You do not have to do anything perfectly when these feelings of fatigue arise, and even through the pressure of perfectionism, it is important to remember that taking care of yourself comes first. Start with finding ways to feel better, to get things done, and to get rest.
Tips to feel better
In order to feel better, you need to start by accepting that you do not feel well rather than trying to hide it. Let yourself cry, take a break, and process what is going on in your life. Give yourself some time to deal with the situation without trying to change anything. It is hard, but understanding your feelings is important in moving forward.
After understanding your feelings and where they are coming from, you can then figure out what you need to feel better. It is very important to get rest, eat food, and stay hydrated. Basic tasks may seem difficult during times of fatigue, but it is better to avoid getting physically sick during this time. Have food next to you so that you can eat without having to get up, and keep water with you at all times. If you can’t get out of bed, it is okay to take time off. Let yourself handle your situation, feel what you need to feel, and get back up and try it again.
How to take breaks
Taking breaks can seem difficult if you have a lot of responsibilities, but it may still be necessary. The best way to do so is to let your managers and professors know what is going on and ask them to understand where you are coming from. Ask to take that day off of work, ask for an extension on homework, be honest about what is happening, and see what they say. The worst they can do is say no, and while that is not ideal, they need to be aware of your situation so they can understand why you may not be performing at your best. Give yourself permission to do things as best as you can during these times, and remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect. It is better to turn something in late or show up late to work than to not do so at all.
Once it is acknowledged that you need rest, give it to yourself. Do not feel guilty for resting, but enjoy it. Take a nap, read a book, watch a show, or do anything else that energizes and refreshes you. Let your brain slow down and prepare itself to get back up again. Rest is necessary and needs to be enjoyed and cherished, it is not something to feel guilty about. Everyone needs a break every now and then.
The fatigue is not going to last forever, and it is important to keep that in mind. It is going to be hard to get through, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that makes taking time for yourself easier. It is not something to be ashamed of, you simply just need a break. Your productivity does not determine your worth, and taking time to make sure you are okay is not bad or selfish. Rest is essential for life, and you need to allow yourself to get enough of it.