After I was dismissed from my 4:30 pm class last Wednesday evening, I chose to attend an event at Grand Canyon University in the Theology building where they gave a documentary screening presented by Christian-based non-profit organization, Destiny Rescue, called “Operation Goldilocks.” This documentary gave a second hand perspective on the evil, and lucrative operations of child/human-trafficking. In light of February 7th’s recent event to spread awareness on ending human slavery (#EndItMovement), Destiny Rescue’s mission is to rescue, restore, and empower enslaved children that are sexually exploited globally.
Destiny Rescue is partnered with GCU Global Ministry’s “Anti-Trafficking Ministry” where they help abolish human trafficking globally. The documentary, “Operation Goldilocks,” was filmed in the metropolitan red-light district of Manila, Philippines where it gave many of the GCU students an astonishing perspective on how Destiny Rescue’s agents embark their journey to set captives free.
During the documentary, they filmed how they partnered with Manila’s law enforcement to hire rescue agents that pose as foreigners wanting to purchase illicit sex. When they get in contact with the pimps, then arrange a set date, time, and location to meet with the children that are being sold into trafficking. The undercover agents attempt to “purchase” as many children as they can; so when they do arrive at the arranged location, they raid the place with police to arrest the pimps involved, and have on-the-call social workers to rescue the enslaved children.
After the raid, social workers comfort and ask immediate questions regarding the hostile and dangerous environment the children were enslaved in. As the documentary came to a close, the children that were rescued were restored and healed through Destiny Rescue’s residential program. That said, they were granted access with the onsite aftercare team where all of their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs were met. In order to protect themselves and their families from future exploitation, Destiny Rescue’s goal is to empower, equip, and support every child through the tools and education they provide so they can thrive into becoming contributing members of their community.
Horrifically, it is estimated that there are 4.5 million victims of sex-trafficking and it is the fastest growing enterprise worldwide. Globally, traffickers lure and enslave both minor, and adult victims by providing false financial gain and promises. Those who lack rights, educational and basic necessities of living are more vulnerable to be sex trafficked.
After watching the behind scenes of raids on the illicit schemes of sex-trafficking, I was extremely convicted to help fight the cause and be a voice for the voiceless. Destiny Rescue is relentlessly fighting the evil of sex-trafficking through God’s protection, and provision to save thousands of lives.
If interested on more information to help fight this evil battle, visit to help donate and/or get involved in Destiny Rescue.