Owning a small business can be tough, but in the end, it is definitely worth it. I have my own little business where I am a nail technician. I am certified in Gel X Après which is slowly starting to become just as popular as acrylics. I got my certification in Gel X Après during the summer of last year and have been practicing and growing my business ever since.
It started when the pandemic first hit. Everyone was in quarantine, and there was not much to do. My mom came home with a starter Beetle gel kit and some Après nail tips. It was something fun to do just to pass time and slowly started to get better at it. I would practice all the time on my friends and family. Then I would watch videos on different tutorials to better my skills. Then I found out the nail tech I used to go to back home was giving courses. She encouraged me to sign up and discussed all the benefits with me and how it’s great to work for yourself. I decided that I should take that leap, and I am so glad I did.
At first it was hard to stay motivated, but I am glad I stuck it out. Once I took the courses I felt more confident in my work and was excited to provide a service to others while expanding my little business. In the beginning, it was difficult to get clients to trust me and help give me some experience, but I was able to get to where I am now through just reminding myself that I have to give it time. I couldn’t give up.
Now I have been doing it for 10 months, coming up on a year, and I am so glad I stuck it out. Not only did my business grow, but so did I. I have met a lot of people along the way and have made some new friends. Being able to just talk to others about their experiences and who they are is a bonus. Gel X Apres was a hobby but now I am happy to do what I love. I love being a nail tech and creating sets that everyone loves. I also love being on campus while doing it, as I am able to provide my peers with easier access to a safe space where they can get their nails done. I also love being able to help out fellow college students since I am one and know how things can be difficult.
Take that first step and do something for you. Trust me, you may lose motivation, but do not give up on yourself!