As the school year gets closer to an end, we all dread finals, but we shouldn’t. There is a strategic approach to help prepare for final exams and presentations. Here are some tips to help get you through finals so you can enjoy summer!
Come up with a game plan. Develop a realistic schedule for when you plan to study and specific goals for each session. Write down where you are going to study and for how long. Don’t cram the night before as it can be stressful and result in not feeling confident about the material, which could result in lower scores.
Work through previous assignments, end of the chapter exercises, and even through old tests. Look at the common techniques in each problem to help solve them and how to attack them during the exam. Solving the problem before looking at the answer key is most important. Review your notes and practice those methods to help give solidify your performance.
Try to explain difficult material to others. You can do this with a study partner or even a study group. You can work with peers to exchange study strategies or even just to help motivate one another. What helps even more is explaining the material to someone who is not in the course. Doing this, you can see if you are able to understand it well enough to explain it to someone else using your own words.
Most importantly, take practice exams. This can assist you in creating a similar environment along with timing yourself. Review your answers and focus on filling those gaps where you need more attention.
Finals can be stressful, but as long as you put the effort in you can be successful! Keep yourself organized, put in the practice, and always remember to try your best.