After the stress of finals and the busyness of the holidays, there is nothing better than a new year reset. Starting off the new year right is a goal for just about everyone, but if life is still a mess after January 1st that is okay! Â However, making sure to get some things in order in January can set you up for a successful year.
Resetting tips
There are a few categories or areas in which to focus your new year reset: emotional/mental health, physical well-being, environment, and technology are all things to consider.
Emotional/Mental health
- Take some time to reflect on the past year – what were some ups & downs?
- Are there any goals to focus on for the new year?
- Is there a new hobby you would like to try out?
- Try outlining what you would like your daily and monthly routines to be this year.
Physical health
- Any doctors’ appointments that need to be scheduled?
- Any hair/nail/skin appointments?
- What are some easy meal ideas that incorporate more fruits/veggies?
- Is there a small habit change that could introduce more exercise into your weekly routine?
- Are there any items in your home that can be donated or thrown out?
- Do a thorough cleaning for the new year. (You do not have to do this all at once! Try doing one area of your home each week).
- Remove the objects that make you unhappy – replace them with things that make you smile!
- Clean out your email inbox.
- Clean out your social media (following/followers).
- Are there any subscriptions to unsubscribe from?
- Make sure you know where all your important documents are!
- Add all important dates and birthdays to your calendar.
Don’t let expectations wear you out
Starting out a new year can often feel overwhelming. There is often a lot of pressure put on making it the most productive, successful, or happy year yet, but that sort of expectation can lead to the beginning of a new year being a more stressful time than it should be. Remember, success looks different for everyone – what qualifies as success for someone else, might not be what it looks like to you, and that is okay. Take some time to figure out what a successful and productive year looks like to you and outline some small goals that will help you achieve that. And remember, it is super difficult to completely change your habits – so if that’s something you are looking to do, try taking baby steps. Instead of trying to completely change your routine, try incorporating one new thing into it, and then slowly transitioning one thing out.
Overall, try to rid your life of things that cause unnecessary stress or burden. Adding small moments of joy into your day can be an easy replacement for that. Whether that looks like a face mask on the weekend or a cup of tea in the evenings, even just listening to a fun playlist while you shower can make you feel a lot better about your day. You could also try to add in morning Bible devotions or journaling time to start each day off right. Remember that you deserve rest and peace. A new year is a perfect opportunity to make a fresh start, and even the smallest of lifestyle changes have the huge potential for growth in life.
Happy New Year!
I hope that this year is everything you want it to be!