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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

As graduation draws near, seniors typically experience a whirlwind of emotions. For some, finishing those last assignments and walking across that stage marks an exciting chapter in their lives. But for many, including myself, graduation day is filled with dread, anxiety, and sadness. This time is often referred to as the “senior blues.”

Now that graduation is mere weeks away, I must finally acknowledge that I am graduating. While college has had many highs and lows, my mind and emotions have recently been everywhere. I have been struggling with the idea that I will be saying goodbye to my childhood, the friends I have made, and the strict school/life routine I have been used to since I was three. I feel like time is slipping through my fingers, and I can’t hold on.

I realize this may be dramatic. But if you are in the same boat as I am, I feel you. You are not alone. While I am still trying to process everything emotionally, here are some tips I have been implementing for myself.


It is okay not to be okay. It is okay to cry, be frustrated, and yell into your pillow. These emotions are normal; having emotions is what makes us human. However, don’t wallow in self-pity and isolate yourself. I know this is hard. But by isolating yourself, you will miss out on the last couple of days you have left in school and being with everyone. So, after a good cry, learn to trust the process and acknowledge that everything will be okay.


Thinking about the future can be difficult, especially when your whole world is changing. Planning something to look forward to can help you feel motivated and not shut down. Some examples of this may be planning a trip with your friends, moving to a new city, finding a new hobby you can enjoy, or even applying for grad school! For example, I am looking forward to my European cruise trip with my family after graduation. So, whatever you have in mind, find something that will ease your post-graduation blues.


Having friends and family to talk to and be part of your support system can be very helpful during this challenging time. My parents are my biggest supporters. I tend to call them after every minor inconvenience. If you don’t have anyone in your support system, consider finding a therapist to talk to. There is no shame in this. Graduating is a hard time for anyone, and nobody should deal with all these emotions alone. You may also want to consider taking up a pen and journal. While journaling won’t physically help you deal with your problems, writing can allow you to address how you feel at the moment and give you some peace.


I realize this is cliché, but make every day count. Please don’t waste it scrolling through social media or sleeping away your problems. Embrace every opportunity you have. You don’t want to leave college with “what ifs” and regrets. You won’t be a student forever, so take advantage of the freedom of college life. Some ways you can do this include volunteering, having movie nights with your friends, attending as many events as possible, and avoiding skipping class.

Congratulations to my fellow seniors on your big day! I know the senior blues and senioritis are hitting hard right now, but we will get through this together. Just know you are not alone.

Ireland has always loved words, telling stories and being creative. This is why she is majoring in Professional Writing with a minor in Advertising and Graphic Design at GCU. When she is not writing (which is rare), you can usually find her nose inside a book, crocheting, drinking chai tea lattes or spending time with her tight-knit family and her dog named Lilly.