Soda is one of the most consumed beverages in the United States. That sugary, delicious sip of heaven may accompany a spicy chicken sandwich perfectly, but the momentary satisfaction will not be worth the habit being formed.
 As soon as soda touches the tongue, the body is notified and insulin is created to respond to the sugar overload. Soon, blood sugar levels spike, the liver responds to the insulin by turning the sugar to fat, and a big grin forms on the face of the consumer. Happiness accomplished.
 Yet within an hour of soda consumption, the body experiences a blood sugar crash. That’s when the brain suggests a second soda, to combat the crash sure to commence.
 Americans as a whole struggle with making good choices regarding what they drink. Dehydration is common, with individuals drinking liquids, just not the right kind; how many people actually drink one bottle of water for every cup of soda they consume? Not many, right? Specifically, college campuses see this issue firsthand, every day. With a majority of colleges providing fast food dining options, soda is plentiful, and in high demand. It keeps students awake and pairs well with the junky food options – it’s an easy go-to. Yet with this automatic assumption, students are taught to drink without caring; soft drinks come with a meal, and students don’t think twice.
The University of California at San Francisco banned soda on their campuses in June of 2015. Yet the policy missed a key issue in the soda world – diet options. Their policy did not prevent diet sodas or zero-calorie drinks. These options, though missing the initial 150 calories of their original counterpart, are just as problematic. Artificial sweeteners like those used in diet soda still trigger insulin, leading to weight gain, headaches, and possible depression.
 So what are you to do? Soda is obviously harming you, but diet soda isn’t any better. What option is there?
 No matter how you twist it, soda is not going to get you anywhere in your health journey. You may not want to stop having Pepsi at every meal, but at least educate yourself before you fill up the Big Gulp – that way you can make informed decisions concerning your health. Instead of trying to justify whichever habit you have – diet, zero, or classic – invest in a water filter and call it a day. Everything is good in moderation, and soda is no different. Enjoy your bubble beverage every once and a while, but don’t stock the fridge with Fanta. Is it really worth it? You make the call, I’m just the messenger. Â