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Girl Hiking Fun Headband Ponytail Adventure Camp Original
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

The Benefit Of Camp Ministry

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

If you’ve ever attended a summer camp in your youth, you would know it is an unforgettable experience. The recreational activities coupled with the sense of community and healthy competition are good for the soul, and it is to no surprise that many church communities and religious groups find camp ministry a great way to connect students to their faith. Camp can take away the distractions of everyday life, and for this reason it can be extremely beneficial to not only the campers but also the staff that works so hard to keep everything running to give the kids an A-rated experience. While working in camp ministry can be an underrated (and underpaid) job, it is a meaningful way to make an impact and learn valuable lessons regarding diligence. This article will delve into the reasons camp ministry is so impactful as well as why you should get involved.

Creating a safe space

Speaking as someone with experience working in camp ministry, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact camp has made on so many campers. It takes a lot of moving parts to make a summer camp happen, and with the right leaders, staff, speakers, band, and others, it can foster an amazing space for meaningful conversation and life transformation. Creating a safe space where tough conversations and encouragement can be given is so important not just to camp ministry, but to any type of ministry-related workplace. This environment is fostered through well-trained staff and the collectively shared goal of enacting meaningful ministry. For the campers, getting to spend a week or weekend away from their parents and away from the interruptions of their daily life can allow them to think deeper about their faith and about who they are.

The positive effect of outdoor recreation

A large aspect of camp that many campers look forward to each year is the outdoor recreational activities they are able to participate in. Not only are these activities rarely offered in the campers’ everyday life, but the time spent outdoors is valuable and has such a benefit to one’s quality of life. According to Franklin County Public Health, outdoor recreation stimulates the brain in ways that indoor activities cannot. Vitamin D received from the time spent in the sun is so important for the body’s health, and higher Vitamin D levels result in a reduced risk for various types of cancers, diseases, and even mental health conditions such as depression. Engaging in these unique and stimulating types of outdoor recreation really allows campers to engage with the world around them in ways that are often rare and hard to come by in a world that is so heavily centered on staying indoors. Kids today are receiving less and less time outdoors, and camp is a great way for them to escape that mindset and discover how beneficial the natural world is. 

The benefit for staff members

Camp ministry is advantageous not only for the campers but for the staff members as well. As the ones running outdoor recreation activities for children and being in a position where you are responsible for their safety and wellbeing, you get a chance to learn a lot about yourself and gain quite a bit of responsibility. Being in charge of children’s lives is no small feat, and it requires a high level of responsibility that can greatly impact who you are as a person. Working a summer camp is a great way to test and advance your own abilities on top of making a positive impact in the lives of so many kids. The high-energy work environment requires a lot of drive and motivation, perhaps pushing you outside of your boundaries and comfort zone.

With all things considered, camp ministry is an important way for both students and staff to get involved with their faith and connected to nature in meaningful and entertaining ways. Fostering this kind of environment takes a lot of hard work, and the staff and volunteers that work so hard to make it happen deserve appreciation. If you find yourself interested and wanting to get involved, there are plenty of summer camps hiring nationwide, most of whom are willing to cover your housing and in many cases provide plenty of free meals to be able to make the camp experience a possibility for you. Maybe it’s time for you to test your boundaries and engage in the world around you in ways you never have before.

A Christian Ministry major with a passion for writing about obscure and interesting topics as they relate to women!