Life moves fast around here. Caught between what seems like an endless barrage of assignments and obligations, it can be easy to forget to live in the present and enjoy the process. I find myself–especially as the semester gets progressively busier–feeling overly involved in my outer life and simultaneously out of touch with my inner life. Journaling helps combat that feeling. There are no rules when it comes to journaling. Some of my entries are pages long and document my activities. Others are three or four words. Occasionally I’ll throw in a drawing or a short poem. I carry my journal in my backpack, so I can write down my thoughts as inspiration strikes. In allowing self-expression in its many forms, we allow ourselves to grow as human beings. Here are 30 days of journaling prompts–pick and choose, do them out of order, do half, do just one–again, there are no rules.
Write about something that happened to you today that really made you feel something
Write about something that you’re looking forward to
Write about something bad that’s happened in the last week–what silver lining can you find?
Write about what you see outside your window right now–what’s the weather like, is anyone outside, what time of day is it?
Write about your favorite holiday in terms of your senses–what does it sound/smell/look/taste like?
Write down a goal for today or for this week
Write about something you did well recently
Write about a hobby you want to pick up
Write about your name–where did it come from? How/why was it chosen? What does it mean? Do you like it?
Write about what you consider to be the best aspect of your personality
Write a letter to someone who hurt you
Write a letter to someone you love
Write about a time you felt at home in a place that isn’t technically your home
Write about a family member who you look up to
Write about your favorite place on campus–what does it look/sound/smell like and how do you feel when you’re there?
Write about something you did today to take care of yourself
Write a free-form poem about your hometown
Draw your favorite fruit and write about why it’s your favorite fruit
Write about someone who changed you
Write about what the sky looks like today
Write about what you think would make the world a better place
Write about your current favorite song–what does it make you think about, how does it make you feel?
Write about a time you felt free
Write down three things you want to start doing more or improve in your life
Write a poem about this morning
Write about your favorite color–why is it your favorite, what does it remind you of?
Write about your favorite childhood memory
Make a detailed to-do list
Write down a quote that inspires you
Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself and 10 things you’re learning to love about yourself
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